Add my name to the list of CP3 pumps conversions.
Finally finished up the
Timing Belt,
CP3 and
CR170 Turbocharger installation. I am embarrassed to admit to how long this project took me.
Some highlights in no particular order:
1. Putting the car in Service Position was very helpful and allowed ample working access for the front of the engine.
2. No need to remove the Oil Filter housing to install the T'Stat. Just make sure you have a small / short 1/4" set of square drives.
3. Removal of the passenger side axle makes it much easier to remove / install the Turbocharger.
4. No need to remove the engine mount when performing the Timing Belt service. With the fuel pump deleted, there is plenty of room to work. The Diesel Geek video is extremely helpful.
5. Test fit the engine oil dipstick tube and apply heat to make a slight bent to clear the CP3 high pressure fuel line fitting. Then use a 3/8" spacer to reinstall to the side of the flapper valve.
6. Reuse parts of the deleted auxiliary fuel pump frame to secure the fuel lines. I didn't take any pictures, but I modified the frame to remove unnecessary metal tabs, so all that remain are the two plastic fuel line supports.
7. Trim the engine cover so that it does not rub on any fuel lines
8. Allow plenty of time to do this project, I ran into challenges with the CP3 installation that took time to solve.
Some pictures below of the finished install: