Installation Problems - Banjo Fittings Not Aligning Properly (Whitbread CP3 Kit)
In the process of changing the
Thermostat, installing the
CR170 Turbocharger, doing the
Timing Belt Service and the
CP3 Fuel Pump Upgrade. All going well, thermostat an turbocharger complete, timing belt removed, the CP4 removed, the CP3 is mounted, the high pressure fuel line reshaped and connected, and now ready to connect two remaining lines to the pump, this is where the problems developed.
Return Line - the banjo fitting needs to mount at an angle to clear the pump housing. This is causing the elbow hose to not like up with the banjo barb. See picture below
Temp Sensor / Fuel Feed Line - location of the port on the pump is not like other pictures online that I have reviewed. The port for the banjo fitting is located in the back of the pump instead of the side. And the port is much higher than other pumps online causing interference with the engine cover (ie the engine cover will not mount on that corner). See picture below
It just seems this pump is an odd duck . It does not match any of the pictures or tutorials available online.
I have sent an email to
Matt Whitbread, but due to the holidays I am not expecting a reply anytime soon. I am also reluctant to start re-engineering the installation before I hear back from Matt. So thought I would check in with the TDi Forum to see if anyone has any suggestions or has encountered this situation during their install. Thanks in advance.
Merry Christmas to all!