OEM ACC Retrofit


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266

I am working on an OEM ACC retrofit for my 2013 Jetta Sportwagen TDI (Golf Varient for ROW)

Has anyone else completed such a swap?
I found some people on drive2.ru but theyre rather hard to get into contact with.

I have ECU, and ABS coding sorted out. Infact, most of the logistical side of the swap is complete, I am curious about where or how to mount the radar!

Originally I wanted to mount the radar behind the emblem. However, it appears I would need to remove the steel brace there and not place it back. Which I am not really comfortable with.. on top of this, the emblem to use is nearly $250!
I have currently planned for a lower grille mount, using a mk7 golf mount from aliexpress. I plan on using a dremel on the lower grille to cut out a spot for the radar to "see" through, then making a beauty cover/shroud with my 3D printer in black ASA or PC-CF to surround the cutout just like OEM mk7 golfs do.

I am open to other idea's though, specifically if someone has pictures / links / PN's for how to mount the radar behind the emblem without removing that steel brace!

please note that you need to confirm your vehicle SUPPORTS ACC before buying all these parts. code your ECU and ABS on for ACC, if coding is accepted they should support it! (more to this to come. i fell down a bit of a rabbit hole with my EDC17CP14)
coding ECU is done by function code, coding ABS is done by a bit flip in long coding.

generally speaking, if you code ACC ON and do NOT receive error: No communication with J428 /Adaptive Cruise Control your ECU does NOT support ACC without a patch. (radar must be disconnected to receive such error of course..)
i must note, even after patching my ECU, i only received error " Error - Please check coding in Power train databus "
this went away once radar was connected.

here are the the CODING II codes:
Disable CC/ACC
- 16167
Enable ACC
- 13377
Enable CC
- 11463

ECU's which use long coding, and not CODING II, will not use the aforementioned codes. you must enable ACC by long coding, which i am unable to provide guidance on.

ACC bitflip for MY ABS was byte 16 bit 5 and bit 6
edited date: 1/24/2024
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Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
before digging into this, you need to understand this isnt just a "newb" project, you need VCDS and a decent understanding about VW at a minimum. this isnt an exact guide, nor is it meant to be one. im sure there are some hacks and tricks and some things i have gotten wrong. feel free to share them!

part 1/2, the inside (ignoring radar harness)

--------------------NOTE: you do not have to use the EXACT PN's for the STALKS, there are other variations which can work. YMMV, choose stalks which have the right buttons for your car! make sure to choose a pretty stalk for stalk part 2 as these are the stalks going into your car!
list of PN's to buy and what they are:
5N0 858 559 J - lower steering wheel cover
1K0 905 849 - ignition switch
5K0 953 223 - stalk bracket / brace (sits on top of the ignition cyclinder lock)
5K0 953 502 R - stalk (part 1, you KEEP the skeleton of this one!!)
3C9 953 502 E - stalk (part 2, this is the donor stalk. swap all the stalks / PCB's / wiring into the skeleton of stalk part 1)
5K0 953 569 AH - SWCM / clockspring (this is the specific PN i used, there are others which can work. refer to ross-tech's SWCM table! make sure to choose one which will work with your car. when in doubt, buy a T variation, this is known as the "all in one" SWCM but it comes at a higher financial cost http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/Steering_Wheel_Control_Module_Versions)
(this may not be a complete list of PN's, i will update it if i remember something i did not put in. if i missed something let me know)

now the install:
disassemble the steering wheel column until this point:

once here you will notice the 2 bolts which hold the ignition key column in place are missing their heads! this is normal. its a "security" feature of modern vehicles. use a chisel and a hammer to loosen them, then you can back them out by hand or with the chisel

the bolts you just removed are M8 (1.25 pitch) x 20mm, i just grabbed some socket head bolts of that spec from home depot along with some washers
once the bolts are out, you need to take all the wiring off the assembly. to remove the wiring from the IMMO coil, lift that tab on the coil itself and slide the coil away from the connector. i have included a photo of the PN incase you do this wrong and break your coil.

my new hardware in place of the old security bolts

now the fun part, putting the new parts on!
start with putting the stalk brack / brace on the key column, then install it onto the steering column. tighten those new bolts down! if youre worried about losing the safety feature of break away bolts, use some red locktite i guess.. :D
put your new franken stalks onto the brace, then place your SWCM onto it and connect all the wires up

now place your fancy imported (or local for you europeans...) lower steering wheel cover onto the steering column

At this point, it is just basic re-assembly. put your top steering column cover on, and steering wheel. make sure your car still runs and does not get an immobiliser shut down!

After you know it works, code the SWCM with the same setup as the first SWCM. Make sure to code the GRA/ACC as "cruise control by THIRD STALK" until you have installed the radar. this retains normal cruise control until you have completed the radar install. you will need to flip this to ACC by third stalk if you have installed the radar already.
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Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
part 2/2, the outside + module coding

--------------------NOTE: i strongly advise you do NOT buy the radar on your own. doing so WILL require disabling CP and enabling SWAP YOURSELF!!! instead, buy it from me. i will beat the price of any of the european based sellers for US customers. if you are not in the US, please do reach out still, we may be able to work something out + save you money.

pn list:
7N0 907 561 (7e0 works too, it has a built in radar heater!) - radar
4F0 972 708 - radar wiring harness, connect into interior fuse box using a fuse tap from autozone!
no PN, but mk7 golf lower grille radar bracket (make sure to buy some hardware for home depot for mounting this)
no PN, j533 extension cable

now the install:

remove front bumper

now drill 2 mounting holes as centered as you can on the front crash bar. i had to use 2 concrete drilling bits as pilot holes to get through this steel!

make sure to make the radar as perpendicular to the direction of travel as possible, then angle the radar UP to the sky by 2 degree's. failure to align in such a manner will result in either a failed calibration or error while driving, OR sudden AEB or FCW while driving (like if passing over a manhole cover, and the radar is pointed DOWN, it COULD slam on the brake or throw a FCW, this is simply an implication of a lower radar mount)

i had an old wire pre-ran through the firewall, near the pedal box, for a LED light bar in my lower grille. i simply taped my new radar harness up against this wire, then pulled the wire through the existing hole by yanking on the old light bar wiring. worked like a charm!

now, just install your fuse tap into the fuse box. i used a crimped connector to join the 2 positive wires, then found a generic grounding location in the dash for the radar ground.

to connect the canbus, add the 2 wires to the "ext can" of j533

time for the ECU patch, on my EDC17CP14 ECU. please note this may be entirely unnecessary. i am NOT responsible if YOU brick YOUR ECU doing any edits. proceed with caution and at your own discretion. otherwise, i am happy to answer any questions

the following includes the memory address, the existing value in memory, and the new value to replace it with.

please note, this does NOT correct the CRC in the map! you will need to recalc the CRC manually, or use a tool to write to the ECU which calculates the CRC automatically.
this is where having a competent tuner comes in, malone (now tunezilla) has been instrumental in this project. without them i am unsure if i could have gotten this done. they where willing to help me test out numerous files.

edit omitted for now, need to post the proper edits from A2L
time for module coding. this goes without saying, but take an autoscan of your modules BEFORE changing anything! and also, use a genuine cable people. the nice folks over at rosstech where hugely helpful with some other weird stuff that came up as i was pioneering this

first things first, make sure your ABS is setup correctly! byte 16, bit 5 and 6 need to be off for BL ABS. then ALL AWV related bits in byte 17 need to be off. these simply do NOT work with H31 BL ABS pumps like mine.

turn off all AWV related bits in the radar long coding, keep automous braking on

turn ON auto dist regulation in your j533 gateway installation list, you MUST have EXT can on your j533 gateway. if you do not, this wont work. replace your gateway with the right one, here is my PN's: (please note i had to update my j533 to a newer software using VCP, i wasnt lying when i said you need a well rounded knowledge of VW's ;) )
Part No SW: 7N0 907 530 BR HW: 7N0 907 530 AJ

make sure the steering wheel is coded ON for ACC by third stalk.... i think thats all! feel free to ask questions :)

here is a link to my rosstech thread:

theres some autoscans there. i will be sure to grab a new autoscan now that everything is working, but at a later point.
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Veteran Member
May 17, 2010
Central FL
2011 JSW DSG (buyback, RIP), 2014 JSW TDI, 2015 Passat TDI, 2013 Jetta TDI.
lower grille mount radar definitely would be logical and cost effective. I would love to have this kit for my future JSW.

the current JSW is my work car. leaving her as she is now.


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
lower grille mount radar definitely would be logical and cost effective. I would love to have this kit for my future JSW.

the current JSW is my work car. leaving her as she is now.
i too like the lower grille mount, though it poses 2 problems, neither of which will be a problem for everyone

1: being in the lower grille, i am opting for a 7e0 HEATED radar, rather than the 7n0 non heated. this is because up here in New England it gets cold and i'd like my radar to still be functional in the winter time

2: i am planning on fitting oil coolers.. 2 of them specifically, and this radar will take up precious lower grille space lol (not really, it is quite small. you'll see in the photo's i post above in the reserved spots later)


Veteran Member
May 17, 2010
Central FL
2011 JSW DSG (buyback, RIP), 2014 JSW TDI, 2015 Passat TDI, 2013 Jetta TDI.
Ahh I see. valid points. Thats truly the dilemmas. Lol

I couldn't see your other posts saying [reserved]…..


Veteran Member
Jul 25, 2020
Ontario, Canada
I don't think you'll find much info on these sort of swaps here. I'm assuming you've found most forums given you found drive2.ru, but have you tried maybe golfmk6 forums? Or of course vwvortex... I have found weird and wonderful pages full of odd mods you don't really hear of but mainly on euro forums using Google search. Another one that comes to mind is the UK forums, don't remember the site name though but I'm sure it's easy to find on google


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
I don't think you'll find much info on these sort of swaps here. I'm assuming you've found most forums given you found drive2.ru, but have you tried maybe golfmk6 forums? Or of course vwvortex... I have found weird and wonderful pages full of odd mods you don't really hear of but mainly on euro forums using Google search. Another one that comes to mind is the UK forums, don't remember the site name though but I'm sure it's easy to find on google
yeah ive looked around just about every forum, have spoken to several members who have done the swap. all of them just remove that steel brace.

i have 99% of the parts here, just need to order the SWCM and radar now. once here ill just throw it all in on a weekend and post the photo's / write up


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
radar has been patched. all other parts have arrived, time to install the parts!!
i think i might tackle the stalks + SWCM + ignition switch today permitting i have time

hopefully this weekend i can pop the bumper off, and mount the radar + run the harness

If anyone in the states needs a radar to retrofit ACC on their PQ platform vehicle, let me know. I can source it for you and get it patched for a fraction of the price you will find anywhere else.


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
Can probably skip the loctite. The broken heads are theft prevention for the lock cylinder.
yes, it is for theft prevention / protection against rekeying your car. which is why i suggested red locktite if someone was concerned about it.

personally, if someone wants to steal my decade old quarter million mile car that badly... i'd let them :D i have insurance for a reason lol


Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
With the sheer bolts (the ones with no heads), you can also use a Dremel to cut a slot in the top, then twist them out with a hefty screwdriver.

Nice work, btw - always good to see other people jumping on the retrofit bandwagon. 👍


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
With the sheer bolts (the ones with no heads), you can also use a Dremel to cut a slot in the top, then twist them out with a hefty screwdriver.

Nice work, btw - always good to see other people jumping on the retrofit bandwagon. 👍
This was going to be my original route, however it would have been impossible to fit the cutting wheel into the plastic hole to get to the bolt (without causing damage to the plastic)

I used a chisel and hammer as it saved my original plastic bracket in case I needed to back out of this retrofit before the car was working again


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
quick update, i have been busy at work here. my ECU requires a patch to allow such a new 7n0 radar work. technically is needs the patch to even let the older 3AA radar work!

quick easy way for you to tell if your ECU needs a patch, is to enable ACC in the ECU, then code the rest of the car for ACC aswell. if the ECU complains of improper module codings, you require an ECU patch. if the ECU complains of missing radar signals (because you dont have the radar installed physically) then youre all set to buy a radar and continue the retrofit!!!!

malone tuning, now tunezilla, have been monumentally helpful in this process. they havent helped on the patch side of things of doing research, but more of help on the side of things with loading the tune onto the car.

they have packaged, all of my ACC patch tests, into my ECU tune, so that i can just write it with their tools i already have. this has been EXTREMELY helpful. we have done 4 or so tests this far. right now we are on test #5, which requires a full ECU write. microcontroller + ext flash. this is something the powergate 3+ isnt capable of, therefor i picked up a tactrix openport 2,0 and will be using their flashzilla lite software. neat stuff!!

i hope i near the end of the retrofit crusade for this project LOL


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
Out of curiosity, has there been any updates on this project? I'm curious.
the holidays basically forbidded me from testing all of december.

i wrote another test file last week but it resulted in the ECU being soft bricked. i have another test file to write hopefully this week but i will have to see how it goes weather and work wise.

if this last file doesnt work, i will have to pay some guy in europe to patch my ECU bin, and then i will use that file.
i have been dragging my feet for the file from the europe guy because i dont want to pay $250-300 for a bin file edit.. that plus he uses a "NOREAD" tag in WINOLS to prevent people from seeing the edits. the issue with the noread tag is that it will forbid my tuner, or any tuner, from making any edits to my ECU after this write IF i want to keep my ACC functionality.


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
What the f. Maybe it'd be cheaper/better/harder to find a used ecu from a wreck, and hunt your way through its code.
no, as this vehicle was never optioned with ACC from factory. i could feasibly get a passat NMS ECU which had ACC enabled, but there may be more implications swapping a different hardware and software version ECU into my vehicle.

i also am not nearly smart enough to dig through the ECU bins and find what is different between the two for ACC. i've barely managed to not permanently screw up my EPS with my current EPS firmware hacks.


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
I wonder if this'll integrate nicely with that Comma.ai retrofit you were talking to us about a while back.
yup, it absolutely will. OEM ACC needed to be fitted before i could begin the longitudinal stuff with comma ai openpilot.

next up on the plate will be a ABS swap, though it may not be required.... there is alledgedly a different mAWV signal in my current BL ABS firmware which could be used for FTS, and possibly hold at stop. but this other signal is not present in any of the VW canbus documentation sheets. only present in firmware itself.

i am talking with someone who worked on using it long ago, but has since lost all his work because of various reasons. appearently the CRC algo on it is complex and proprietary. it isnt a normal xor or CRC16/32 algo....

after my write up, i will dive into the ABS firmware and poke around. i am pretty confident i can sniff out the canbus inbox's, and then hopefully work my way back through how theyre used. i have done something similar with my steering rack firmware.


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266

old picture from when i had the radar installed but not plugged in. please ignore my ruined fender, i have a fresh painted one sitting inside, simply too cold out to do any real car work (the broken rear bumper clip has also been fixed since this photo was taken)! hahaha


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
web archive link, incase any of these pictures die years later:



Veteran Member
Sep 3, 2012
Mk6 Wagon
Wow, amazing that you got this to work! Good job on that. Always wondered if it was doable and seeing it working is crazy. Any issues with it ?


Veteran Member
May 24, 2019
Eastern CT
2013 CJAA GTB2266
Wow, amazing that you got this to work! Good job on that. Always wondered if it was doable and seeing it working is crazy. Any issues with it ?
no issue's so far. i took it around town and on the highway.

it wont brake to 0mph, but this is expected behavior with this current ABS pump.

EDIT: it does brake to zero now, read later posts!
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