OK, I will try to make this polite, please don't take it as something other than that, as it is hard to say this without sounding like I am attacking you (I am not...) BUT
You are reading a car forum; where the absolute worst of any model gets discussed ad nauseum (and this particular forum is worse than most for the chicken little mentality; to which you seem more than willing to contribute
) and taking every single point as gospel.
No, seriously; stop.
Take a step back; take a couple deep breaths, and start over.
There are
tens of thousands, if not
hundreds of thousands, of CR TDIs driving all over the United States and Canada that have never experienced any of these horrible failures. Seriously. One guy here uses his car as a taxi, and has something like 250,000 or more on it. I drive 40,000 miles a year and haven't had any rusting, exploded pumps, destroyed engines from water, or any other world-shattering issue in ~110,000 miles to date.
People come to car forums to find out about problems they may be experiencing, or to complain about problems they have. You will automatically paint the worst picture possible of any car maker by visiting the forums surrounding their cars.
That is not the normal operation of the vehicle for 95% to 99% of the owners...
My point is this: Yes, these cars have some issues. No they are not
remotely as bad as this forum makes them appear. Is it bad if it happens to you? Sure is, I would hate it as I am sure everyone it has happened to has hated it. But at, realistically, less than 1% of the total CR TDIs sold to date I am willing to take my chances...
Your opinion is noted; and I completely disagree with just about everything you said.
No, the number is not "probably a lot higher;" it is probably a lot lower once you factor in unreported misfuels.
Yeah, it's a bad failure; but it's a man-made, mechanical device.
THEY FAIL, sorry.
IF you feel as if your car is going to explode, sell it and get a horse. All cars have problems; all of them. This one isn't even the worst one out there... How about your Ford bursting into flame from the cruise control module? Or maybe you'd prefer controlling your runaway Toyota/Lexus when the throttle sticks and you can't turn it off?
1-3%% failure rate is not even newsworthy, sorry to say.
No, it is not a question of when; it is barely even a question of if. Again, if you are that afraid of your car sell it.
I've driven mine all over the eastern seaboard from Maine to Florida without a second thought. Never stranded me, never caused me anything beyond savings with my 45-50mpg highway mileage...
Actually, that is exactly what he said: He said every one of them will fail; which is complete crap. That's what "this one WILL leave you stranded and its not a question of if, but when"means; literally...
Once again; drive more, worry less. If you are spending so much time trying to find problems with your car that you don't enjoy your car, then you are doing it wrong.