Loose Nut Behind the Wheel Vendor
That to me just sounds like them working with what is most readily available for themselves, since the BGW is not a North American engine, the BEW is the closest in our market that came with a manual. They'd just have to remove the vacuum changeover valves from the fault list for EGR cooler flap and intake manifold runner flaps.Honestly it's kinda annoying that they're still using BEW-based tunes for BHW manual swaps when there's been lots of known issues with doing that over the years (see Audi swaps especially). It makes so much more sense to start with a BGW file; basically the manual version of the BHW in Europe with a DPF, and just tune out the DPF stuff.
To the OP: had you just been emailing them? Or were you using their ticket system?