Spamjohnson said:
I'm thinking about challanging anybody going to the TDI fest next year, to a mileage contest. What do you think, WI border, and then see how far everybody gets, on a select route, makes you kinda sad you don't have the Jetta Wagon anymore eh?
Saw one Passat Wagon TDI on my trip to the cities today, then told one guy about the TDI Club at the dealer (after my car wash). 100 miles today, 200 miles tomorrow.
Actually, I think using the Oakdale Fleet Farm would be a better idea - they tend to have lower fuel prices than you would normally see in WI.
FWIW, I got to exit 71 on the Ohio Turnpike on one tank back in June, without the fuel light coming on, and this was pre-506.01.
The route I would take is I-94 to Madison, then I-90 to the Tri-state, down the Tri-state to I-80, join up with the Indiana Toll Road, then take the turnpikes the rest of the way.
I was thinking about a convoy which would gather in northwestern Indiana about 5am CDT on the Thursday and arriving at King of Prussia about 8pm EDT, assuming the hotel deal is a go for the Thursday night. I'm thinking mandatory fill at the Fleet Farm and mandatory fill just before getting of the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
The stops I would use would be:
1. Black River Falls, WI
2. Portage, WI
3. Belvidere, IL
4. Northwestern Indiana (fill tanks for long part of run, 700 miles in 16 gallons is 43.75 mpg, 15 gallons would be 46.67 mpg)
5. Fremont, IN (Indiana Toll Road, just east of I-69)
6. Sandusky, OH
7. Youngstown, OH
8. Somerset, PA
9. Highspire, PA (near Harrisburg)
We would use the service area just before the Valley Forge exit as the ending point of the mileage competition.