This is great!
I spent my summers on the lake in Milton. I haven't been there in years. Maybe I can visit my old golf course in Fort Atkinson; the Koshkanong Mounds. Great course. And my Mom lives in Three Lakes. I havent been there in 4 years.
What a great trip this will be! And I will be newly married by then too. Can't wait!
What breweries are close by?
I would recommend a trip to the House on the Rock. You wont see that anywhere else in the world.
You have the Joseph Huber brewery in Monroe, WI about an hour south of Madison, West of Janesville.
huber brewery
You have the New Glaurs Brewing Company in New Glarus, WI about 20 minutes south west of Madison, They make some REALLY good brews. That town s called little Switzerland for good reasons. It looks like a swiss village. Very big tourist location.
spotted cow
Middleton, WI on Madisons west side has the Capital Brewery. Home of many award winning brews.
capital brewery
You have Lake Louie (no tours) west of madison that makes some of the FINEST beer around. VERY small 3 man operation sold in Growlers locally.
lake louie
Of course there is Milwaukee about 45-1 hour east and Leinekugels <sp> in Chippewauw Falls <sp> 2 hours north.
Big beer state!
House on the rock
house on the rock
Cave of the mounds.
Taliesen, Frank Lloyd Wright's home and studios. AMAZING!
Road America:
Horicon Marsh:
Like I said. Email me if there is something you want to do. I'll get you an answer.