VW Derf
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  • Q5 tdi. Malone stage 2 tune.
    do I need to remove any cats or plumbing from the exhaust system or will the flash just be enough?
    How do I update my profile? I can only find how to upload an image to change my avatar. I'd like to add that my wagon is a GLS ...
    I am struggling to navigate the forum
    I am looking for information to change engine mounts on 2005 MKV Golf 2.0 TDI Sportline.
    - parts
    - how to
    Using the search function containing the above vehicle info plus ‘engine mount replacement’ gives over 25 pages but no sign of anything in the first 10 relating to my vehicle).
    Can you suggest ways to refine my search?
    I find some on Ebay, and there is an Orlando place, Triangle Auto Parts. Always buy OEM! My 06-09 Jetta MK V SE TDI, is done, finally, now I'm headed to new paint! Runs like a bat out of hell! OH, a little computer reprogramming, that VW USA screwed up, the car is good to 500,000 mi.!
    Triangle Auto Parts deals in VW and BMW only, I think, but German is their deal!
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