OK, hang on a second.
What does "all the power crap" or push button starts have to do with driving ability, which is what tadawson was getting at? Unless you're arguing against power steering and power brakes?
And, for that matter, what do big infotainment screens have to do with driver skill? (Well, OK, they tend to be harder to control blindly, so there is that, but tadawson's post was made in the context of self-driving car technology being imposed, not screens.)
As far as cameras... I'd argue that they're a tool, and it's not like they're expensive. Let me tell you, especially driving a normal-sized car in an area where many drive oversized pickups, it's nice having perfect rear visibility, from the rear of the car, rather than being in the middle of the car and having to look around the vehicle structures (which are rising due to crash safety regulations, but that's another discussion - even a low beltline 80s or 90s design, I'd rather have the camera) and the pickup beds to see what's behind me.