I am saying that 50 gram CO2e/mile emissions due to battery manufacture is FUD.
Lots of source data is available for free reading. E.g.,
In figure 7 of the report that YOU reference, it shows a figure of 0.039 to 0.048 kg/mile of CO2, due to battery manufacturing, for the electric vehicle. This is 39 to 48g per mile, very close to the 50 that I quoted.
It's very kind of you to back up my point with solid data.
To put it another way, the CO2 per mile for the total energy for manufacturing the gasoline car is about 13 g/mile. The C02 per mile for manufacturing the electric car is about 55 g/mile.
My point is not that electric cars aren't more efficient, but that they are not as efficient as they seem, purely based on re-charging costs.