Yes, it just depends on the house, the area, etc. Mine uses an auxiliary heater grid, and it NEEDS that on very cold days without the wood burner going. There is a control panel that keeps track of all that, and you can elect to have it not use the heating element if you wish. It rarely ever comes on unless it dips into single digits overnight, and if I kept the thermostat at a lower setting it likely would not even need that.
The main reason I even wanted that was in case there was a failure of the system, and I was not around, the heating element alone can keep the house from freezing preventing burst pipes, etc. Although the company that installed it said the standard systems they use have them by default anyway, unless someone specifically does not want it. Which I do not know why you wouldn't, as it only adds about $300 to the price IIRC. And of course it needs its own dedicated circuit from the panel, but that was already there from the previous furnace anyway.