@Informationkid as far as your question, it is without a doubt that VW is running significantly hotter than even their other German competitors. It always caught me by surprise that with regular city driving, that coolant would go over 100 degrees C. Likely for the sake of efficiency and maybe engine comfort, but at expense of cooking everything in its path. I started to routinely change coolant on my vehicle and changed from G13 that contains glycerin to G12++ that does not. Many have suggested that glycerin is being cooked out of solution and causes all the nasty deposits. I also purchased a spare heater core, because it will unfortunately remain "maintenance item" at least for me. at $15 a core, it is a cheap insurance to have --- moment it clogs and stops blowing hot air, I will replace it and be done with it. And lastly, consistent oil changes. I never sent mine to Blackstone for Passat, but my 10K OCI on a diesel BMW engine shows plenty of life left and good metal levels at 10k miles, so I decided to stick to manufacturer suggested intervals. I think regular maintenance is all you need, otherwise just enjoy the car. It is a pleasure to drive!