Hotel Reservations -- Dulles Hyatt


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Folks, here it is!!

The hotel is accepting reservations now. Our rate is $99/night and includes high-speed WiFi (a $10/night value). After a 5% sales tax and a 4% room occupancy tax, you can expect to pay $107.91 per night. The rooms are very spacious and well equipped. The beds are some of the most comfortable I've been in, and the hotel in general is very impressive.

Check it out @ ... there's a 3D tour of the rooms, pictures, and descriptions of all of the amenities that are available to us.

You MUST make reservations by phone! Ask for the reservations desk and tell them that you are with TDI Club. The phone number is 703.713.1234

Feel free to call up the Hyatt and reserve your room. The $99/night rates are available for Thursday night (September 3nd) through Monday night (September 7th... checkout Date, Tuesday, September 8th) (a day before and a day after the Fest) in case you want to arrive early and/or stay late to see the sights and explore the area. Be sure to request two double beds or a king bed! All rooms are Hyatt Executive Suites.

I would recommend asking for a room on the back side of the hotel, as these rooms provide a gorgeous view of Dulles Airport's runways, fields, and woods. Don't worry, the windows are triple-pane glass and you can't hear any noise from the airport. :cool: If they don't have any rooms available on the back side of the hotel, the front side also has a very nice view.

Please post in this thread if you have any questions if you have any questions related to the hotel. Also, please post when you have made your room reservations. This will help me keep track of how many rooms we have booked at a glance without having to harass the fine folks at the hotel.

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Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Hotel Room Registration List

This is just to help myself and the other organizers keep track of what's going on. It will also keep you all up to date on what's going on in terms of hotel registration numbers. :cool:

Confirmed & All Squared Away!
  • (AA) Lex4TDI4Life: 2 nights
  • (AB) Growler: 3 nights
  • (BB) paramedick: 4 nights
  • (KB) whitetdi05 & Ecodean: 3 nights
  • (JB) BioBea05TDI: 2 nights
  • (JB) mrvermin: 3 nights
  • (JB) Lug Nut: 3 nights
  • (RB) veggiemobile: 2 nights
  • (AC) kromicacid: 2 nights
  • (BC) BillCullen: 2 nights
  • (JD) jasonTDI: 4 nights
  • (JD) BLAST_3: 3 nights
  • (GD) Torque_Delight & dieseleux: 4 nights
  • (LE) VeeDubTDI & compu_85: 5 nights
  • (CF) Carl Ulli: 3 nights
  • (DF) jettafock: 3 nights
  • (SF) Zippy Car: 3 nights
  • (TF) red golf tdi: 5 nights
  • (EG) dieselvet: 4 nights
  • (SG) drdsl: 3 nights
  • (WG) TheGrove: 3 nights
  • (CH) mrchill: 4 nights
  • (MH) BlueCTTDI: 4 nights
  • (JH) Sprocket: 4 nights
  • (RH) carnotgas: 4 nights
  • (BJ) oilhammer: 3 nights
  • (CJ) referencedesign: 2 nights
  • (AK) BleachedBora: 5 night
  • (AK) sootwagen: 3 nights
  • (BK) BKmetz: 5 nights
  • (GL) LanduytG: 2 nights
  • (WL) wagonater: 2 nights
  • (FM) LiLredTDI: 2 nights
  • (RM) rme: 4 nights
  • (TM) THM3362: 5 nights
  • (CN) canast: 5 nights
  • (RO) SilverRich: 2 nights
  • (CP) airwolf: 4 nights
  • (JP) jstn: 2 nights
  • (BS) ben stevens: 3 nights
  • (DS) Davo: 5 nights
  • (FS) TeDeEye1: 5 nights
  • (JS) xtrooper89: 1 night
  • (MS) GeoBarrel: 2 nights
  • (PS) PeterV, Hamsterdiesel, tomo366: 3 nights
  • (CV) Jetter_Sprinta: 4 nights
  • (FV) VW Derf: 4 nights
  • (WW) SnowCub: 4 nights
  • (RW) vikingrob: 4 nights
Pending Confirmation from the Hyatt:
  • arne487: 2 nights
  • Leo819: 2 nights
Hotel Reservations without TDIFest Registrations:
  • L. Ruiz: 3 nights
  • G. Yamaguchi: 3 nights
If your name is on the red list, please identify yourself and make sure that you are registered for TDIFest. All hotel reservations are matched up to TDIFest Registrations... if you're staying at the hotel, you need to be registered for Fest.

If you have reserved a hotel room and your name is not on the above list, then you need to contact the hotel and make sure that they know that you're part of TDIClub.
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Veteran Member
May 18, 2004
2021 Tesla Model 3 (delivery estimate May 2021)
My reservation has been made for arrival on Thursday and departing on Monday.

Now, I just need to get reservations made in the area between South Bend and Cleveland. If I start out early evening on Tuesday and drive all night, I have gone halfway across Ohio on the first day (from the 2006 Fest) and the rest on the second day. If I take the extended first day on Wednesday, I can get to around Sandusky, OH (exit 118 on the Ohio Turnpike) by 11:30am EDT after leaving at about 8pm CDT on Tuesday, then depart from Sandusky about 6am EDT on Thursday and arrive at Hyatt IAD by about 3pm EDT.

Another plan that I have fleshed out calls for me to cross into Wisconsin at about 5am CDT on Wednesday, stop for the night near Sturgis, MI (just off exit 121 on the Indiana Toll Road) at about 5pm EDT, and start Thursday at about 8:30am EDT from Sturgis to reach the hotel about 8pm EDT.

My planned route (in general) upon crossing into Wisconsin: I-94 east to Madison, I-90 to Schaumburg, I-290 and the Tri-state Tollway around Chicago, 80-94 to the Indiana Toll Road, then east on the Indiana Toll Road, Ohio Turnpike, and Pennsylvania Turnpike to Breezewood, then I-70 to Frederick, then south on I-270 to the Capital Beltway, counterclokwise on the outer loop, and then west on the Dulles Toll Road to the hotel.


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
vikingrob said:
My planned route (in general) upon crossing into Wisconsin: I-94 east to Madison, I-90 to Schaumburg, I-290 and the Tri-state Tollway around Chicago, 80-94 to the Indiana Toll Road, then east on the Indiana Toll Road, Ohio Turnpike, and Pennsylvania Turnpike to Breezewood, then I-70 to Frederick, then south on I-270 to the Capital Beltway, counterclokwise on the outer loop, and then west on the Dulles Toll Road to the hotel.
Sounds like the best route to me... at least from Ohio to VA (that's the way I go from DC to Michigan several times per year). Can't help you with a place to stay at the half way point though... maybe a cheap little motel somewhere on the Ohio Turnpike or just inside Michigan (Exit 64). You should be able to find something in the neighborhood of $40/night.


TDIClub Enthusiast, Veteran Member
May 17, 2006
S Central PA (Breezewood)
2012 Passat SEL Premium Opera Red - Dieselgate Fix, KermaTDI Tune, 2004 Passat GLS Northern Green-RIP
vikingrob said:
My planned route (in general) upon crossing into Wisconsin: I-94 east to Madison, I-90 to Schaumburg, I-290 and the Tri-state Tollway around Chicago, 80-94 to the Indiana Toll Road, then east on the Indiana Toll Road, Ohio Turnpike, and Pennsylvania Turnpike to Breezewood, then I-70 to Frederick, then south on I-270 to the Capital Beltway, counterclokwise on the outer loop, and then west on the Dulles Toll Road to the hotel.
As VeeDubTDI said very good route. If you want a more scenic route you could take I-70 from Breezewood to Hancock MD, south on US-522 to Winchester then VA route 7 from Winchester to Dulles.

Whichever works best!


Veteran Member
Jan 14, 2007
Steeds, NC
white 05 Golf
Hi! When can we book our Dulles hotel reservations over the internet?
It's much easier! Thanks for all your work!


Administrator, Member #10
Staff member
Sep 25, 1997
2015 Passat, titanium beige, 6MT
Check in Thursday eve.

Check out Tuesday morning.



Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Internet Registration

whitetdi05 said:
Hi! When can we book our Dulles hotel reservations over the internet?
It's much easier! Thanks for all your work!
Kristina, there will not be online hotel registration for this Fest. You will need to call the hotel. Sorry if this is an inconvenience.

If this turns out to be a significant problem, I'll see if there's a way I can work around this, or at least get you an 800 number to call. Are you worried about the long distance charges, or do you just prefer doing it online? The hotel prefers people to call so that we can make sure you get exactly what you want and there is no confusion at the time of check-in.
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Veteran Member
Sep 26, 2005
Manchester, CT
2004 Golf GLS (PD) - Indigo Blue
alright already dub, quit b!tching at me, I'm posting. :)

checkin Thursday, checkout Monday. reserved.


Veteran Member -TDIClub Enthusiast
Sep 3, 2002
Louisville, ky
2000 Silver Jetta TDI
When will a tentative schedule of events be up, so I know when to get there or when to book my hotel.

I have to spend a day driving, so I want to optimize my time there.


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
The schedule of events will be similar to that of previous Fests. There will be a meet and greet on Friday evening at or around 7:00pm. I'm sure a bunch of us will go out to dinner on Friday night, and sit around at talk about cars.

Saturday will be a breakfast buffet in the ballroom with speaker sessions about technical subjects related to our cars. Saturday afternoon will be vendor displays in the parking lot, lunch on your own, some sort of a group drive, possibly an event at VWoA's headquarters, dinner on your own, movie night, and a number of other activities.

Sunday morning is breakfast on your own. The afternoon will be the show and shine and judging of peoples cars, and more vendor displays. Sunday evening will be the banquet in the ballroom as well as the auction.

We encourage most people to arrive at the hotel on Friday afternoon or evening (depending on what you can work into your schedule). This will allow you to get checked into the hotel and get yourself comfortable, and then get to know everyone at the Meet & Greet. We will have snacks at the Meet & Greet and the hotel will have a cash bar. Saturday and Sunday are the two big days, and there will be lots of activities. Most people will be checking out on Monday morning.

If you wish to travel around and see the sights (historical landmarks, world renowned museums, the city, and nightlife), we recommend that you arrive a day early and or stay a day late. There is so much to see, and we have so many things planned for the weekend, that you probably won't get much of a chance to do this during the weekend.

So, to summarize... most people who are coming just for Fest will check in on Friday night and check out on Monday morning. Those wishing to experience some of the local attractions are encouraged to arrive on Thursday night and/or check out on Tuesday morning.

I will be posting a detailed list of the local attractions and entertainment soon. Keep an eye out for a new thread with all of the info. :cool:


Veteran Member
Sep 28, 2003
Peoria, IL
2013 Passat SEL TDI Premium
Any chance these room rates will drop due to the economy? I just got back from Veas a couple weeks ago and the prices out there were droping almost daily.:)


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
TeDeEye1 said:
Any chance these room rates will drop due to the economy? I just got back from Veas a couple weeks ago and the prices out there were droping almost daily.:)
We'll have to see as we get closer. Who knows where we'll be 6 months from now. $99/night is already dirt cheap for the Hyatt. They regularly charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $209/night.


Veteran Member
Sep 28, 2003
Peoria, IL
2013 Passat SEL TDI Premium
VeeDubTDI said:
We'll have to see as we get closer. Who knows where we'll be 6 months from now. $99/night is already dirt cheap for the Hyatt. They regularly charge somewhere in the neighborhood of $209/night.
Understood :) I'm juat a cheapskate ;)


Veteran Member
Jun 6, 2005
Bedford, MA
2013 S350 BlueTec
Sheryl and I are booked from Thursday, Sept 3 thru Monday, 4 nights.

Note, the hotel said they are out of rooms for Thursday night at the club rate. I used my AAA card to get a reduced rate for that one night.


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Thanks Warren. I'll give them a call and add more rooms to Thursday.

The original estimate that I gave them for 5 rooms on Thursday was intended to be a minimum, not a maximum. I should have it cleared up within the hour.
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Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Added 10 more rooms to Thursday night.

I need to talk to my planner at the hotel and make sure they understand that my estimated room numbers are minimums and that we will likely be going way over the initial estimates.


Veteran Member
Dec 3, 2007
2001 Jetta TDI
Going to have to call the hotel tonight and make my reservation for the weekend.

I should arrive on Friday sometime and have to leave by Monday, long trip from Toronto :D



Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
mrvermin said:
Going to have to call the hotel tonight and make my reservation for the weekend.

I should arrive on Friday sometime and have to leave by Monday, long trip from Toronto :D

I'll put you on the list. :cool:


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Everything is squared away with the hotel once again. There are plenty of rooms available on Thursday if you want to show up early and check out the sights. :cool:


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
whitetdi05 said:
Hi! Dean & I are registered at the Hyatt from Friday night to Monday am!
Awesome! :D I hope you didn't have too much trouble with them on the phone. ;)


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Edited the list to include spouses and significant others, provided they are registered on TDIclub, per Kristina's request. ;)
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Veteran Member
Sep 28, 2003
Peoria, IL
2013 Passat SEL TDI Premium
Reservation made

Just made 1 reservation for standard room, king, non-smoing for the 3rd thru the 8th of Sep. Can't wait to meet evryone :)

Thanks to all who worked so hard to get this all put together.

Gotta go to The Wall and say hi to some old friends.


Wanderluster, Traveler, TDIClub Enthusiast
Jul 2, 2000
La Conner, WA
2018 Tesla Model 3: 217,000 miles
Awesome, TeDeEye1! I'll add you to the list for 5 nights. :cool:

Just curious, are you bringing any guests?