My '13 Q7 TDI feels down on power. The comments I've read about having to put your foot down a lot harder are accurate to me. I feel like the turbo lag is far worse, but it's more that it shifts way too early, almost feels like it's starting in second gear.
When I put it in Sport, the shift patterns feel closer to what it used to be in normal (maybe a little later shifting than before the fix)
My MPG is down by the estimates.
Mostly feel disappointed that it feels neutered when I was used to a fun SUV that I could loop around corners.. now I depress the gas and ...wait... wait...wait.. push harder.. wait..wait.. push harder... OH THERE IT IS, but now it's too late.
The Audi team had it for about 36 hours, I don't think they had the parts. They didn't refuel it for me either. For reference I'm in So. Cal and Rusnak Pasadena Audi is who did my service.
I am supposed to receive my payment within about 2-3 weeks. I still have heard zero from Bosch. I called them and they say they have my claim but are unwilling to provide any details as to when I should be expecting payment. Supervisor even said they didn't know and that they were "waiting for all of the claims to be reviewed." What the hell does that even mean? Am I expecting to wait until the last person files their 3.0 info with VAG?

R Diesel fix as advertised. Car feels neutered. Anyone know if there's something that can be done - aftermarket-wise to modify the shift patterns back? Trying to quickly accelerate into moving traffic from either a dead stop or a slow roll has become very unpredictable. Thanks