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  • Hi Andy it’s me again. Decided to PM you since there’s no need to bore everyone else with my project. As I mentioned, the used VNT17 I bought has a bad turbine and is no good. I also spent a few hours trying to open the stock VNT15 and ended up loosening a piece that shouldn’t be loose — it seems I don’t have enough patience and delicacy!
    Do you know if anyone who might be interested in these two turbos? Also, any idea where I might find myself a decently priced turbo? I’ve asked a few guys in the FS section here but no joy as of yet
    Sorry, I missed your messages!
    no worries
    Andy. If you have a second please check this part number of the heater motor and tell me if I should buy. The resistor pack didn’t fix it. thanks for the help. Gary
    I posted a link to one cheaper with a 99.5% positive feedback.
    Thanks again for all your help. I was just looking at your engine photo. So on my conversion the engine is sitting up above the original deck lid. There is a metal extension to raise the lid about 2 or 3 inches. When looking at your photo it looks like your deck lid is not raised up. Is this the case or is it just all painted the same so that’s what it looks like?
    Westy tdi swap
    What is that sound deadening material? It looks like something you just peal and stick? I’m going to copy some of your set up for sure.
    Under what you see, I installed a generic (off eBay) Dynamat sound deadening. What you see on top is an insulation/sound deadening foam with aluminiized foil on both sides. I used an upholstery brush on glue. To get good results, two layers work best. One layer reflects sound waves and the other absorbs them.
    Hi Andy. I saw your comment on the rear wagon bumper cover. I am wondering if the bumper cover fit right on the sedan? I have been thinking if it was possible to find a wagon bumper for my 02 sedan and modify the trunk opening to reduce or eliminate the back wall to allow for bigger items to slide into the sedan with the back seats folded down or removed.
    Thanks for your time.

    Bob in Minnesota.
    Hey Andy, where in SE KY are you? I am trying to find someone to hopefully fix an 09 Jetta TDI that has been modified in several areas (aka going to a Dealership is a no-go)... or can figure out that it is not fixable. My live-in mechanic passed back in March of this year. Am in Taylor county KY. Thank you.
    That would be awesome! I don't suppose you ever make it down to Taylor county? The Jetta unfortunately will not start/run. (it TRIED to, but would/could not). If you do find yourself in this direction, and want to try getting a code, give me a shout out..... cell 270-469-0226. Thank you (hopefully it hasnt sat too long at this point)
    ...trying to lay my hands on his code scanner, I know its here somewhere........
    Well, if I am out that way any time soon, I'll give you a call.
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