TDIClub Enthusiast, ToofTek Inventor
MayorDJQ: But, people who worked on past fests, and people from outside the area also help with the organizing.
Anyway, another suggestion gathered from the TrackMania LAN party - check to see if all the guest buildings have WiFi.
The room I was in had a WAP literally on the wall outside of the room, but not all the rooms were that lucky - I know at least building J had to have a yagi antenna bolted to a chair and pointed at the main building, with a switch hooked up to a router, to have internet access in the room.
Anyway, another suggestion gathered from the TrackMania LAN party - check to see if all the guest buildings have WiFi.
The room I was in had a WAP literally on the wall outside of the room, but not all the rooms were that lucky - I know at least building J had to have a yagi antenna bolted to a chair and pointed at the main building, with a switch hooked up to a router, to have internet access in the room.