Lesson Learned.
That was the major lesson learned. I've always been the type of guy to wait until the last minute to get things done.
This time it almost came back to bite me. So, I began my VW buyback saga in late summer of 2018 because I wanted to milk those VW TDI miles on my '09 JSW TDI before turn-in. I initiated the online process, but didn't finish it. My intent was to complete the documents portion on Sep 1st. That last day, the website kept showing an error and I was unable to get through on the helpline. So my only option at that point was to fax the entire claim, which cost me about $70 at Fedex Office.
So, naturally, I get the "claim denied" message from VW because they say I didn't submit documents on time. So, I go through the Appeals Process through the CRC. I submitted my appeal in early September only now, in late January did they actually move on my case. I won my appeal and am in the "Supervisor needs to review your documents" stage before they give me an offer. VW is giving me until the end of February to complete the entire buyback process.
On my 2009 JSW TDI w/ 185,000 miles I am slated to receive $12,700 back in fresh VW cash. The car is probably worth less than $1K bluebook.
This car was my daily driver and I found a sweet 2011 JSW TDI w/ only 26K miles for only $10K, so I'm essentially trading up with a few hundred to spare.
In addition, I have one of the NEW 2015 Passat TDI SE's that was held for sale w/ the $5K off and 0% financing option.