jredecop said:
I just cleaned my intake and realized how much egr really sucks so I stuck a tee in the vacuum hose to the egr valve. Now of course I get a CEL and was wondering if changing the values through vagcom would be enough to keep the light off. Thanks for your help, I have searched and not found this answer.
Disclaimer: These mods are for off-road use only.
I did the golf tee mod at 101k miles and with stock performance. NO CEL. I had done the VAG-COM EGR adapatation mod about 50k miles earlier. I did my intake cleaning with Herm TDI at 117k miles. I had mild clogging, typical of a TDI used for aggressively haulin' arse on the highway. It was enough that I was beginning to notice a drop in MPGs and performance. I was amazed at the improvement in performance and MPGs after the intake cleaning. And still no CEL with the golf tee mod.
Contrary to popular belief, the VAG-COM EGR adaptation mod does little to nothing to help reduce intake clogging. It may slow clogging some but doesn't prevent it. It DOES however appear to help minimize the the chance of triggering an EGR-related CEL code if you've done the golf tee mod or have a racepipe installed. The ECU detects if the EGR is working or not by looking for a corresponding drop in the MAF numbers whenever the ECU calls for EGR action. The VAG-COM EGR adaptation mod supposedly causes the ECU to look for LESS of a drop in the MAF numbers, such that the ECU can't see the EGR not being there.
To answer your question, I think YES, the VAG-COM EGR adaptation mod DOES help minimize the chance of triggering an EGR-related CEL code. I think it helps minimize it but may not prevent it under all conditions. YMMV.
Another method for eliminating an EGR-related CEL is to install an Epsilonian device (search on "Epsilonian mod") to mimick the slight drop in MAF numbers whenever the EGR is on. You probably don't need this if you've done the EGR adaptation mod.
Chipping my Golf TDI with RC3 at 147k miles didn't change anything EGR-related in my car. Same behavior before and after.
Good luck.