Why did you buy a Golf?

think diesel

Veteran Member
Jul 20, 2000
Northern Virginia
I have a Jetta, but I have nice things to say about the Golf.

It is cute and it is less common than the Jetta. I also like the fact that you can draw a line from the current Golf all the way back to the original Golf (Rabbit) it's like it's got a lineage. You can do the same thing with the Jetta, but the Golf has been around longer and the Jetta really began as a Golf with a trunk tacked on (literally)

Golf's are also great at swallowing big boxes and stuff. If VW sold a GL spec TDI Golf with *four* doors here I might have considered it.


Top Post Dawg
Apr 13, 2001
Golf GLS TDI, '01, Black
Well I guess there's just no accounting for taste. =) I bought the Golf because I like the looks better than the Jetta/NB, a secondary reason is the hatch/backseat combo is much more versatile than a trunk.

I know that the specs are virtually identical, but the Golf "feels" smaller and more agile.

And then there's the individuality factor, there are a LOT more Jettas than Golfs out there.

Also I had a '78 Rabbit (Golf I) which I drove into the ground, put a used engine in, drove some more, then gave it to my sister who still drives it to this day. We've put almost 100k on that car since I bought it for $1150. Not a bad deal. =)

In the words of a twentysomething friend of mine, the Jetta and NB both look like "girl cars".

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by troy_heagy:
No offense intended, but from my point of view it's not "sexy" like a Jetta/Passat or "cute" like a Beetle. So, why Golf?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


New member
May 4, 2001
I tested the Golf, Jetta, and Passat. I couldn't afford the Passat I wanted, and as a big guy, I found the Golf seemed roomier up front than the Jetta (something about the position of the console). I may be crazy, but I swear there's almost as much room in the front seats as there is in my wife's Bonneville. The car looks small on the outside, but feels plenty roomy on the inside, except for the back seats, which are about the same as the Jetta's IMO. Plus, I love the utility of a hatchback. Maybe if I could've gotten a TDI Jetta Wagon...

Result? The Golf TDI is the coolest car I've ever owned. I LOVE this car. My wife says from the way I act about it, you'd think I bought a Porshe. I say the Golf TDI gets better mileage. Sexy? Maybe not, but it's the car for me.

'Nuff said.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 1999
I bought my Golf GLS because:

(1) utility
(2) styling (4 door version)
(3) rarity

I also have a 1998 Golf GL gasser. The Jetta looks more sophisticated and is quieter but I really like the Golf's utility.


Top Post Dawg
Mar 19, 2001
California, USA
2001 Golf GLS
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by troy_heagy:
So, why Golf?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Compared to the Jetta:

1. Easier parking (shorter, and it is easier to judge where the back end of the car is).
2. More cargo space utility for big things (but less if you want to keep the back seats up and the cover on).
3. More rear seat head room.
4. $1300 less expensive (in United States).
5. Rear wiper.


Feb 23, 2001
No offense intended, but from my point of view it's not "sexy" like a Jetta/Passat or "cute" like a Beetle. So, why Golf?

Powder Hound

Top Post Dawg
Oct 25, 1999
Under a Bridge, Crestview, FL, USA
'00 Golf 4dr White 5sp, '02 Jettachero 5sp, Wife's '03 NB Platinum Gray auto(!)
Utility. Better headroom in the back vis a vis a Jetta, and since I carry others from time to time, that mattered (the NB, for that reason, wasn't on the radar screen). Sexy - well, even though I'm not married (a problem to be corrected by the end of the week) that isn't a factor either. In fact, it is better for me. I figure if the girl is attracted to my car instead of me, then she isn't someone I am going to be interested in long term anyway.

You could consider it as exclusivity - there's 10 times the number of Jettas sold to the number of Golfs sold. And, my car has been described as cute anyway!!


Feb 23, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tadc:
...secondary reason is the hatch/backseat combo is much more versatile than a trunk.

In the words of a twentysomething friend of mine, the Jetta and NB both look like "girl cars".

Girl cars huh? Well, Golfs look like stubby "station wagons"! <ducking and running>

I can see your point about the versatility of a trunk vs. hatchback. MY Dodge Shadow has a "trunk" but the dividing wall can be removed to create a "hatchback"... it is far easier to stuff a lot of things into the car when converted to a hatchback.

Do the Jetta & Patta have folding rear seats?

When I was looking at the Toyota Prius, it did not. That's a serious flaw on a car whose trunk is partly filled with batteries! I've since learned that European Priuses DO have folding seats... wonder why the manufacturer thought Americans didn't need that option?!? Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.


Top Post Dawg
Jul 11, 2000
Pacific NW
2001 Jetta GLS
The Jetta does indeed have fold down rear seats.

The Jetta was a better choice for me but I like the Golfs too.

My Saab was a 5-door hatch like a Golf (though bigger) and I think I only flipped the seats down and filled the resulting space once in the two years I drove it.

I have neighbors with pick-up trucks I can borrow so the trunk works out better for me 99% of the time.


Apr 27, 2001
Urbana, Illinois
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by troy_heagy:
No offense intended, but from my point of view it's not "sexy" like a Jetta/Passat or "cute" like a Beetle. So, why Golf?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because driving is a sport. Golf gives me this feeling. It is No. 1 selling car in Europe. They understand driving better.


Top Post Dawg
Feb 16, 2001
NW Indiana
13 Jetta TDI Premium manual "gone"
My perception Golf has more space on inside and less on outside than Jetta.
Easy to park and garage and holds lots of stuff.
Hatchback is easier to load.
I chose Golf because it just seemed "right" for me, but I would be happy with Jetta too.


Top Post Dawg
Feb 16, 2001
NW Indiana
13 Jetta TDI Premium manual "gone"
My perception Golf has more space on inside and less on outside than Jetta.
Easy to park and garage and holds lots of stuff.
Hatchback is easier to load.
I chose Golf because it just seemed "right" for me, but I would be happy with Jetta too.


Veteran Member
Aug 4, 2000
Los Angeles, CA
Because it's simple shape is oh-so beautiful IMHO. And it holds a ton of stuff. And when equipped with a TDI engine it offers a tremendous combination of irresistable fun, economy, safety and utility. I would buy the exact same car again today.



Mar 31, 2000
Birmingham, Al. USA
(1) Not as common as a Jetta
(2) Price
(3) Hatchback is sportier than sedan

I'm not trying to offend Jetta owners. Just my opinion. (I got turned onto the Golf while looking for a Jetta)


Veteran Member
Mar 20, 2001
Minnetonka, MN
I wanted a hatch back and the other choices are crappy

about the only other company that makes a hatchback in the usa anymore is ford and the focus ZX3 doesn't even compare

honda doesn't even sell the civic hatchback in the usa anymore


Veteran Member
May 19, 2000
Back Home in Enn Aitch
Jetta, 2001, green
I like the look of the Golf, but went with the Jetta for the "stinky factor". I sometimes carry pretty unpleasant chemicals, and I like being able to sequester the turpentine, mineral spirits, gas can (for the chainsaw), diesel additives and so forth tucked in the back.



Veteran Member
Apr 7, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada
Holy can o' worms.
Where do I start?
Sexy? My blood's flowin' to the nether regions as I ponder my Golf GL's top ten list:

10. Unskinny Bop Nothing More to Say
9. Unchained
8. Black Sabbath
7. F117A Stealth
6. She's a Beauty
5. Baby's Got Back
4. Pound Cake
3. More Than a Feeling
2. Bad Motor Scooter

And the number one reason I bought my Golf..........

1. I Can't Drive Fifty-Five!

[ May 10, 2001: Message edited by: vegasdzl ]


Veteran Member
Jan 21, 2001
Troy, MI
Golf GLS, 2000, Dark Blue
because of her headlights!

I for one, go for the headlights.

I have a Golf GLS TDI with a luxury package at a much lower price than a similar Jetta.

As many others have said, it can carry bigger stuff back there.

I also feel that it looks more sporty than the Jetta.


Veteran Member
May 8, 2000
Raleigh, NC
I had a Jetta, which got totalled, and I wanted a new TDI and didn't want to pay $22,000 for another Jetta, and this cool little Golf sat in the Auto Trader for 3 weeks and it was priced at $15,000! The more I looked at it I thought "man, what a German-looking car." The more I drive it the more unique I rea;ize it is, and couldn't be happier with my decision.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2001
Maui, Hawaii
I bought my 2000 Golf TDI because

1) I wanted to demonstrate biodiesel in a new car instead of my beater 1979 VW Dasher diesel station wagon;
2) Price, the TDI Beetle on the lot was going to cost $5k more (Woody Harrelson bought the Beetle and he runs it on biodiesel).

I'm perfectly happy with my Golf and have every intention of keeping it for a long time, or when a reasonably priced and reliable fuel cell car (that gets hydrogen from a non-fossil fuel source) is available, whichever comes first.


Feb 23, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>
because of her headlights!

Yes......... the best things in life come in pairs.



May 1, 2001
troy_heagy wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>I can see your point about the versatility of a trunk vs. hatchback. MY Dodge Shadow has a "trunk" but the dividing wall can be removed to
create a "hatchback"... it is far easier to stuff a lot of things into the car when converted to a hatchback.


No offense, but a sedan with folded seats does not capture the cargo utility of a hatch back. While the total volume might be similar or even slightly higher than a hatchback with its seats down, the space tends to be less usable because the trunk in most cars is relatively shallow and the pass through at the rear seats is rarely full width. Hatchbacks like wagons rule when it comes to cargo versatility.


Feb 23, 2001
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mchale:
Hatchbacks like wagons rule when it comes to cargo versatility.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So.... how much cargo do you carry? Personally, I carry none.


Veteran Member
Feb 9, 2000
Surrey, B.C.
I bought my 2 door Golf GL because:

1)I don't have any kids.

2)I rarely have more than 2 people in the car.

3)I like the styling


5)The only option I wanted is a/c


Apr 18, 2001
Silver Spring, Maryland USA
I can echo that thought. 2 doors, roll-up windows and A/C-just what I want at the lowest cost trim line. I would pay more for any of those "options". What a great car! Love my GL.


Veteran Member
Apr 7, 2001
Las Vegas, Nevada
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by troy_heagy:

So.... how much cargo do you carry? Personally, I carry none.
Well, I always have this ponderous load of meat that I have to drag around; in the Golf I just swing it over my shoulder with the rear seats down and it just rolls around back there from side to side. Problem solved!


May 17, 2001
Houston, TX
Hi guys! Brand New to this forum (veteran on NewBeetle.org and VWVortex). Finally was able to convince my sister to look into a TDI for her new commuter car - she puts about 100 miles a day on her vehicle. We bought an '01 GLS Golf last night. We test drove the Golf, New Beetle and Jetta. Helen really liked the "sexy" look of the Jetta, however, practicality set in after looking at the Golf. She got a fully loaded (except leather) GLS for less then the Jetta. She was able to talk the dealer down to $800 over invoice after having all the other dealerships in town say that they didn't haggle at all off of MSRP due to the high demand for TDIs right now.

Helen has two boys, 7 and 10, and often carries my 11 yr old daughter as well. The New Beetle has only two seat belts in back; the Jetta has the least amount of back space room; and the Golf has the most of the three. Helen's 5 foot nothing, literally and she's two inches away from the airbag on my NB, the Jetta was second and the Golf put her the fartherest away. Her husband is 6 foot two and the NB had the best passenger leg room, with the Golf second and the Jetta the worst.

Now we're a 4 VW family with her Golf, my New Beetle and '66 Old Beetle and our brother's '00 GL New Beetle. Now it's time to fully assimilate her into the cult and get her to go to TDI Fest...