So much info to digest. I think it comes down to our modern culture created here in the US. People, generally speaking, are up in arms to be inconvenienced or uncomfortable. Patience is all but dead.
imagine a much more convenient and comfortable mass transit system. When I lived in Seattle (Pioneer Square) the bus system was free for a 37 block area, it was awesome. I could jump just about any bus and get to where I was going within the 37 blocks. My wagon would stay parked for weeks at a time until I went out recreating. We are so addicted to cars in both the rural and city environments, again generally speaking.
I’m all for ICE and EV living in harmony. My wife drives a F150 40k per year at an avg of 19.5 mpg in our commuting environment. I wish she would get an EV. The other thing, many of the vehicles here are 3/4 or 1 tons and taking physics into account, lots of people blow off efficiency for safety. A Tacoma vs a F350 head on is almost a death sentence. We have had 2 deaths already from this type of scenario.
I burn wood (Aspen), with todays modern houses (mine - 1994) and insulation, you hardly get a delta of 10 to 20 degrees F letting my stove burn out overnight and easily enough coals to start a fire in the morning. Put on some clothes, who needs 70F inside when it’s (15F) outside. Although I have witness the inversions that happen and the smoke pollution that accompanies.
OH made a post a few pages back about a TH-350, made me laugh. I literally dropped of a ‘79c10, had them do a mild performance rebuild on the trans which included a TH-400 TC. They also replaced the pitman arm. $700 total bill, trans shifts with authority, and I love having an old pickup that just keeps ticking.
I would drive an EV in a heartbeat, but not for across country trips. And my rusty wallet would never let me spend that kind of money. So I stick with old junk.
my mom bought one of the first gen hybrid Camry’s, problem free for 120k and averaged 35mpg over the life of the vehicle. Besides the smaller trunk space, they loved the car. 2-lane passing was unimpressive.
there’s so many factors and differing views at play the water muddies rather quickly.
the point of this post, nothing besides the “want it now mentality”. I am enjoying the reading here and wanted to drop a few thoughts/experiences.