Yeah that’s a good point. When I did mine I used a stubby Phillips screwdriver, the shank happened to be just the right diameter.I’ve used a drill bit to pin the pump before, but now I’m afraid that’s too brittle and might snap in a bad way. The pump doesnt want to stay in the pinned position, and there’s a decent torque on the pin.
Cool! I hadn’t heard of them, that’s good to knowEuroDNA is another good option.
I’d check my shipping fees are never high , I save lots of money I live in the US, greater sesttle areaOther then rockauto in the US, there is virtually no point of using any vendor outside of Canada. After shipping, import fees and currency conversion, the costs almost always end up being more. Germanparts, Germanoem, Rose Land tech are all good options. I find that calling local parts stores in your area also works, just give them the exact part number of the kit you're looking for, and some will be able to get it. I've found most auto parts places that sell euro parts almost always have access to worldpac, or altrom/autocamping. If they can't order the kit as per the kit part number, you could always just order the belt, water pump, and rollers and tensioners separately, just give the specified part numbers you want in terms of brand
We're in Canada...I’d check my shipping fees are never high , I save lots of money I live in the US, greater sesttle area
Thumbs Up for EuroDNA picked up stock replacment muffler for my 03 wagon for $226 +$7.25 shipping with 20% off on first order.EuroDNA is another good option.
And people wonder why the ocean is full of garbage, and prices for everything are so high...Apparently crushing everything that is not sold.