Veteran Member
I want to mount my scan guage and make it very vissable to me. I have tried a few places but nothing I'm 100% happy with, where are you guys mounting them?
That's where mine is - I'll post up some pics later today or tomorrow.Honeydew said:just ordered mine so I haven't tried this yet, but how about on that little mini-visor above the rear-view mirror? Cable might not be long enough to thread, though
This is where mine is too! I like it there. Protected from direct sunlight, and hard to spot in the car.doc_m said:
been happy with it here for me
I really wish I could go to a 24 hr clock in my 97 Passat like you have in your A4 . How did you change yours ??Originally Posted by doc_m
WAs married to a flight attendant for 6 years and just got used to using the 24 hr clock . Wish we had it as an option without having to futze with the things settings .Bob_Fout said:Probably with VAG-COM. Changing to the British display uses 24 hour time and miles on the odo/trip meter.
/EDIT. Yup since I use 24 hour time myself, having my car display it too was a nice change.
To address the cable issue raised by danEboy, it seems like the standard radio shack Computer Network Cable will work? Hope so, that's what I bought. Thanks for posting the description and pics.Fix_Until_Broke said:Bump - Added pictures to Post 14
Oh, Forgot about the cable issue. Yes, DanEboy is correct. Any standard "patch" cable will work - these are very pouplar and easy to find. You don't want a "crossover" cable, which is not as popular (it's used to connect two computers directly to each other).Honeydew said:To address the cable issue raised by danEboy, it seems like the standard radio shack Computer Network Cable will work? Hope so, that's what I bought. Thanks for posting the description and pics.
Mine failed also, I bought a pack of velcro ultra-mate spots (home depot) and put two on the top and three on the back. A bonus to doing the back for me is that the gauge is now angled into a more easy-to-read position than before because it is flush with the mini-visor.Fix_Until_Broke said:The velcro that is supplied with the SG failed on me (actually the adhesive that sticks to the visor bracket) and it let go after about a month...(snip)