Where to have work done in Portland, Or


New member
Feb 13, 2001
96 TDI Passat Sedan
I have a 96 Passat T.D.I I was wondering if one knows a good private shop or dealership to have engine work done in Portland Or.


Veteran Member
Dec 12, 2000
Victoria, B.C., Canada
'92 Passat TD, '01 Golf GL TDI, '15 Golf Trendline TDI
colaska - my in-laws live in Portland and we go to visit them fairly often.

At the beginning of January I went to Esquire Motors on Canyon Road (right across from the new Goose Hollow "Max" station). I had bad glow plugs replaced, injectors tested, idle adjustment, and an inspection for leaks.

I believe one or two of their mechanics are the "diesel specialists" there. I was able to speak to the mechanic directly; in fact he took me in the shop and gave me a tour of the engine compartment, pointing out everything that needed attention. He was great and really knew his stuff. I definitely felt everything was done right. By the way, they are a licensed Bosch service centre.

My wife knew of this place because she had been bringing her 74 Beetle there for years.

Pricewise, it was hard to say - everywhere seems expensive to me nowadays (I think my salary is not keeping up with inflation) and then when I converted the bill to $CDN - yow.
BUT it's a good feeling knowing things were done right. I recommend them.

92 Passat TD