Where to find Higer Cetane Fuel in Canada


Veteran Member
Dec 18, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario, CANADA
I have noticed a really good list for higher Cetane level fuels for the US and Eastern Canada but have not found much on availability in Ontario.
Any know of any locations (Hopefully around Mississauga.)??

Thanks !

2000 GLS TDI
Silver: Sun Roof, RIMS, 6 Pack.


Veteran Member
Jan 17, 2000
Lovettsville, VA, USA
A3 Jetta, 1998, Green
Ric's right. Biodiesel has a higher natural Cetane number and better lubricity rating than #2 petrodiesel. However, biodiesel will gel at a higher temperature than winterized #2 petrodiesel. This is probably something to take into consideration in the Great White North.

Also, I would doubt that biodiesel would be widely available in Canada...could be wrong.

The TDI Owners' Premium Diesel Fueling Station List:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/svenfoucault.geo/tdi/premdiesel.html" TARGET=_blank>


Moderator at Large
Jun 16, 1999
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
2006 Jetta TDI
Better quality diesel is almost impossible to find in Ontario, but if you happen to drive past a station that advertises "Diesel 2000", fill it up! I found some yesterday, and immediately noticed smoother idling and generally quieter operation.

I have only ever seen two stations that have this stuff. The one I filled up at was in Belleville, small fuel station on Hwy 62 just south of the 401. There's another one along Hwy 24 between Guelph and Cambridge.

Brian P.
'96 Passat TDI mit UPsolute


Veteran Member
Apr 21, 2000
Saguenay, Québec, Canada
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GAP:
what brand is 'Diesel 2000'?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Gap, we really dont have to worry about that

Y2K Jetta GLS TDI, Atl.Blue/Beige leather, Sunroof, bug deflector, Cd changer, 5 speed, drop-in K&N air filter, descreened(all of them), H&R springs(not installed yet), Solar guard tint with 35% fronts and 18% rear windows.


Veteran Member
Oct 19, 1999
2009 Sportwagon TDI
Husky advertises that their "DieselMax" additive package contains a cetane improver. Their pamphelet contains a graph showing the typical improvement over regular diesel, but they do not give a minimum cetane specification - only that their cetane is higher than regular diesel.

Shell/Turbo/FasGas also advertises that their "Super Diesel" contains an additive package, but it does not contain cetane boost.

Basically these guys are relying on an additive package to improve the fuel. A bit of Power Service and your own cetane boost added to regular diesel are probably just as good.

Check out one of my old topics:

I'm not sure if you have Husky stations in Ontario, but you must have Shell stations.


Veteran Member
Dec 12, 2000
Victoria, B.C., Canada
'92 Passat TD, '01 Golf GL TDI, '15 Golf Trendline TDI
It's my understanding that Husky/Mohawk DieselMax uses an additive to increase cetane a few points over the base stock, whatever that may be (probably 40!). I have been using Mohawk pretty much exclusively until now, and recently have been using additives.

Shell diesel is 40 cetane (including their "Super Diesel").

A Chevron fuel technician (?) told me over the phone that their diesel here in Vancouver is 45 cetane, base stock (no additive for cetane boost). This was off the top of his head; don't know whether to believe it or not. I'm going to try a tankful tomorrow for the first time. Will also try adding a cetane boost to it. Will post results.

As far as I know, bio-diesel is not available in Canada (never seen or heard of any).

92 Passat TD

Ric Woodruff

BANNED, Ric went to Coventry.
Feb 19, 1999

Ric Woodruff

"3 years of TDI Driving
and Counting"

1998 Jetta TDI Custom Sport


Moderator at Large
Jun 16, 1999
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
2006 Jetta TDI
"Diesel 2000" is only found at oddball out-of-the-way stations, you'll never see it at a mainstream station. I believe the station in Guelph is called FS but could be wrong. I don't even remember what the station in Belleville was.

Esso/Sunoco/PetroCanada/Shell/Pioneer all seem to be the same crap. Never tried Husky.

Last night in the chatroom, there was a hypothesis that Diesel 2000 is actually Irving 48-cetane diesel brought in from the Maritimes. Irving stations are not found outside Atlantic Canada ...

Brian P.
'96 Passat TDI mit UPsolute


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2000
Halifax, NS, Canada
Irving Premium Diesel has a cetane rating of 47. It contains an additive package trademarked as "Microsel" with lubricity enhancers etc. It is refined from Venezuela crude containing less than 100 ppm sulfur. It is widely available down here in God's country as well as in Maine, Vermount and Hew Hampshire.

On a roadtrip last summer to Huntsville and Port Elgin, Ont. we managed to use only Irving Premium. When we inquired for a location list, we were surprised to find it all through Quebec, as well as, in a few spots in Ontario. I believe there was even a location somewhere in the NW corner of GTA. (although we didn't need it)

If I can find the book, I'll pass along the addresses of the Ontario locations. You can call them at 1-888-310-1924 or visit their website at :

I have requested them to provide a digital listing of locations that I'll pass along if and when I receive it.


Chris Davey
'98 Passat 1.8T
'00 Jetta TDI

[This message has been edited by Bluenoser (edited January 13, 2001).]


Veteran Member
Jan 20, 2000
Ontario Canada
2000 Golf GLS TDI Auto.

The station in Belleville you visited is a UPI station. There is a listing of stations at the above site. There is one in Campbellford about 15 min. west of me. UPI also has a Premium Diesel 2000 but I have yet to find any.

2000 Golf GLS TDI Auto
1982 Diesel VW pickup

[This message has been edited by Westy (edited January 13, 2001).]

Cosmic Green

Veteran Member
Nov 8, 1999
Udora,Ontario, Canada
2005 Jetta wagon
Sunoco Gold diesel has a cetane rating about 5 points above regular diesel, as well as anti-gel and lubricity (as well as other)additives. It's available from Sunoco Cardlock locations, for which anyone can get a card. Problem is, they're not everywhere, and it's not sold at Sunoco retail stations. There's one at Hwy. 407 & Keele, one in Hamilton, Niagara, Sunderland (on Hwy.12 about an hour NE of Toronto), as well as other sites around Ontario. Search for the Sunoco website. Other advantages of the commercial cardlock are lower prices. Regular diesel last week was 67c, Gold about 2 cents more. Sunoco also provides fuel for UPI stations, which are mostly in the country. Their "Diesel 2000" may be the same as "Sunoco Gold", but I'm not sure. I live near both a UPI station and a Sunoco Cardlock, and diesel is about 6 cents per litre cheaper at the cardlock. I hope this helps!


Veteran Member
Jan 17, 2000
Lovettsville, VA, USA
A3 Jetta, 1998, Green
If you guys can give me some more details on the locations for these Sunoco Gold stations and Diesel2000 stations, I'd like to put them on the Premium Diesel List.

As I'm not from Ontario the landmarks given aren't as useful for me to be able to make an entry for the list.

Also, I'd like to find out how to get one of those Irving Oil locator books. If I call the 888 number will they send me one? How much does it cost?


TDI Owner's Premium Diesel List: http://www.geocities.com/svenfoucault.geo/tdi/premdiesel.html

[This message has been edited by Beowulf (edited January 14, 2001).]


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2000
Ontario, Canada
2000 Jetta
Welcome to the club! I'm a new TDI'er also. I have used nothing but Sunoco Gold (I have a card) and Sunoco regular diesel or UPI/FS diesel 2000. I'm pretty sure that the diesel 2000 is Sunoco Gold as I have seen the Sunoco tankers in the UPI compound. The brouchers from both sound very similar.

I hope this helps.



Veteran Member
Dec 18, 2000
Georgetown, Ontario, CANADA
Thanks for all of the great information everyone ! I have seen numerous Diesel 2000 stations on my weekend ventures and also a couple of cardlock stations. I will give them a try !
(Mostly around Grey County ~2 hours north of GTA)


2000 GLS TDI
Silver: Sun Roof, RIMS, 6 Pack.


Veteran Member
Oct 10, 2000
Michigan USA
I don't know much about the "Diesel 2000" but if it's an FS diesel I'd say it's not much better than anything else. UPI and FS are part of Growmark. My dad farms in Central Illinois and we used to use FS diesel until about 6 months ago. Dad is good friends with one of the fuel distribution managers and we did a little field test for him. Came to find out that we got more hours of field time and more power from Amoco #2 than the FS stuff.

Oh yea, if your ever going through Indiana on 80-94, don't stop at "Steel City" for diesel. It's a truckstop and the Cetane rating is only 40. I got about 43 mpg off that junk.


Veteran Member
Jan 17, 2000
Lovettsville, VA, USA
A3 Jetta, 1998, Green
Thanks for the links to the station locators. I have updated my "Canada" section with the information on Sunoco & UPI.

Any news on the Irving Oil locator/book?

The TDI Owners' Premium Diesel Fueling Station List:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/svenfoucault.geo/tdi/premdiesel.html" TARGET=_blank>


Veteran Member
Sep 2, 2000
North of 401, where the snow double/triple up!
2001 Golf - used to
Thanks for the links, Glen!!

I read the one regarding Diesel Gold from Sunoco web site but those cardlock stations are for fleet fuel up only. Can "ordinary" consumer like us apply for one of those key card? And if so, doesn anyone knows how much does it cost?

All comments welcome, thx!!

Dreaming of a Golf GLS TDI...50mpg=4.705L/100Km ^_^


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2000
Ontario, Canada
2000 Jetta
Hi CmdrData, much to my surprise anyone can apply for the card lock. I completed the form and stated my guess at usage which would be low compared to the truckers. They had no problem with me obtaining a card. It is no cost. It works on the sam e principal as the bank cards with pin numbers.

You can use my contact at Sunoco Flo Miller at 1-416-449-5310. I picked-up a application at the Sunoco station across the road.

They fax every few weeks with the current price as the pump price is for the local customers. Very confusing at the start. Your price is generally a few cents less than the pump.

I only got the card as I travel at wierd hours and did not want to get caught with low fuel. I also have a UPI card lock card and there prices are better here than Sunoco.
They seem to be 5 cents at least less than current pricing for my account anyway. For Dec. I paid 65.4 cents a litre at UPI.



Deactivated Member Account
Sep 12, 2000

What are you paying now ?? The cheapest I can find is at a truck stop and its 71.9/L

95 Jetta TD,2.5" exhaust, Passat rims, Eagle Talon IC w/fan for now ...


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2000
Ontario, Canada
2000 Jetta
Hi, I just filled up last late last night at a regular Sunoco station for regular diesel 71.9/l. Sunoco cardlock 68.9/l according to the last fax and UPI 65.9 according to Dec. billing. I have to call UPI to get my prices.

I hope this helps



Veteran Member
Dec 5, 2000
Windsor, Ontario
I just got off the phone with somebody at Sunoco... I sent in an application for the cardlock a while ago but they wouldn't give me a cardlock when they found out I didn't own a rig. They gave me some line about starting to restrict it to only allow big trucks.

They did mention that since the Premium Diesel is very popular at the cardlock locations, they were going to use it as a trial at 10 or 12 of their regular locations in Ontario. The locations weren't finalized, but they will suposedly email me with the list when they have one.

[This message has been edited by Vroom (edited February 05, 2001).]


Veteran Member
Sep 6, 2000
Do we really need to know?
Do we really need to know?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>And yes, they do have some Ontario locations.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They do? Where?

Just called, and the Irving stations in Pembroke, Cornwall have them. The others? Probably Sunoco or Esso.

[This message has been edited by TDI ESEL (edited February 07, 2001).]


Veteran Member
Jul 31, 2000
Rockwood, Ontario
Jetta wagon 2004 Silver
Sunoco is bringing it's deisel gold (High cetane and to be even higher in a few weeks) to some of it's retail stations in the GTA. Check the web site for more info. I think that March is the expected date for the release.


2001 Indigo Golf GL TDI 5spd...Epsilon in; Gunk Out!
I am a TDI Addict and there is no cure.


Veteran Member
Oct 13, 2000
Golf 2000
There is too many of you guys back East there. I lived for 10 years in Mississauga before.

At least half of you should move here to Pacific coast to enjoy life more.

John/Y2K Golf GLS TDI auto

Jason Crabtree

Veteran Member
May 17, 1999
Ontario, Canada
I contacted Jeff @ Sunoco about this via e-mail. I pointed him to this site and in one reply he said that he would update this site with information once it becomes available. I also made a request for the Sunoco at Thickson @ 401 be considered as a site, and he said he will forward it for consideration.

In one e-mail he did say that there has been a lot of e-mail activity on this subject. The TDI masses are speaking. It seems that Sunoco is listening.

I also asked about getting a cardlock and they are hesitent to issue due to lack of volume compared to administration of it. Spills were also raised due to truck sized hoses and wee little filler necks but I know I am very careful not to spill (especially on the paint job).

It does look encouraging. He didn't indicate a date to me though.



Active member
Dec 28, 2000
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Golf, 2000, Green
Filled up today at a Shell station on Bovaird drive near the Trinity Commons mall close to where I live and found they had two pumps regular and "Ultra Diesel". The ultra had a sign saying it was out of order but found the price to be not too bad (reg - 70.9/L ultra - 74.9/L). When I asked about it in the station they said it is a new venture for Shell and the pump had a problem with it but will be fixed soon. Of course they did not know what the cetane rating was for the ultra but gave me a 1-800 number to call for "technical" questions. It truly seems the oil companies are starting to wake up about the market for good quality diesel.
I'll be watching for this station and other Shells in my area.