A4 Glow Plugs 101
The glow plug relay for A4 cars (Jetta/Golf/NewBeetle?) is located under the dash with a large “180” printed on the outside.
Most of the relays in the car are this location, including the DRL relay labeled “173”. On a Tdi , two more relays are under the hood in a little plastic box mounted on the firewall.
The Glow Plug fuses are in the plastic assembly that lives on the top of the battery. This assembly is in the center of what forms the battery cover, and is like a “chinese puzzle” of hinged plastic bits. The fuses are not like an ordinary fuse: It is a stamped metal plate (of which there are several in this location), one end bolts to a power distribution bus bar, and a thick cable bolted on the other end. On the right hand side of the bus-bar assembly are three regular 30A fuses (green colour, user replaceable without any tool), and just to the left of these are the set of fuse links and retaining nuts. Each link has the value stamped on it such as 50A or 110A – yes, that is 110 Amps folks. The Glow Plugs run on one of these 50A fuses.
Should the fuse blow, the relay fail to close, a glow plug burn out, or any thing to cause reduced current in this circuit will set an error code in the ECU. The only way to clear the ECU error is to visit your dealer and let them hook up the VAG1551 to view and clear the code (unless you have your own !)
So, for those of you with “glow plug” errors, this part of the circuit should come under close scrutiny, especially the connection at the battery, and possible hairline cracks in the fuse. These can happen if installed improperly, or if the terminals are too loose.