As promised, I'll share some of the details from my spreadsheet on wheel and tire inertias. Most of these are tailored to B4 or C5 sized tires, but the principles don't change.
The model uses these assumptions: Rim inertia: 60% of the mass is at nominal diameter +/- 1", remaining 40% mass is a disc at 57mm to nom. diameter -1". For tires, I assumed OD-1.5" tread area holds 50% mass, beads at dia to dia +1" hold 20% of the mass, and the remaining 30% is in the sidewalls at dia +1 to OD - 1.5". Obviously this isn't perfect and it would vary between very short sidewalls and tall sidewalls, but for sizes somewhat close to each other, I think it gets into the ballpark.
A lot of the total inertia is in the tread** of the tire so it's difficult to have a huge effect on inertia without changing overall rolling diameters or tire widths. See C5 examples 2/3/4 and B4 example 2.
At times, upsizing the rims can increase inertia but maintain the same weight. See B4 #4 and C5 #2/5.
Both B4 and C5 #1 drop the rim diameter but maintain tire sizes. This yields the best results.
B4 examples:
1. B4 OEM steelies to 14" forged Fuchs with 185/70/14 tires on both: 4 lbs lighter, 13% lighter, and 9% lower inertia.
2. B4 stock from 185/70/14 to 195/75/14: 4lbs/13% heavier, 27% more inertia, 5% taller
3. B4 stock/185/70/14 to 17x7.5" TT wheels 215/40/17: 50% more inertia, 11lb/35% heavier per corner. OUCH!
4. B4 stock/185/70/14 to 16" CLK320 wheels 195/50/16: 13% more inertia but same weight
5. B4 stock/185/70/14 to 15" A2 pepperpot 185/65/15: 10% more inertia, 1lb/3% lighter, 1% taller
C5 Allroad example:
1. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 225/55/17 to CLK320 215/65/16: 29% less inertia, 17.5lb/31% lighter, 1% taller. Wow!!
2. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 225/55/17 to R8 RR 19x11 275/35/19: 8% more inertia, same weight, 2% taller
3. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 235/55/17 to R8 FR 19x8.5 245/40/19: 6% less inertia, 11lb/19% lighter, 2% shorter
4. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 235/55/17 to R8 FR 19x8.5 245/45/19: 3% more inertia, 9lb/16% lighter, 2% taller
5. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 235/55/17 to S5 cast 19x9 255/40/19: 12% more inertia, same weight, 1% shorter
6. OEM 2P 17x7.5" 235/55/17 to Macan 18x9 245/50/18: 3% more inertia, 6lb/11% lighter, 1% taller
Obviously there are a few variable at play but this gives a general idea!