I've had this new front end noise since around May after I did a bunch of front end work. The recent front end work that introduced this noise includes a new driver side axle and while I was in there I put in new A3/TT strut mounts and then shortly after that decided to replace the tie rod end bushing, control arm bushing and sway bar link on both sides. The noise is most noticeable/present at very low speeds when turning the wheel in either direction. Its not present when going straight or going over bumps. It sounds like its only present on the the passenger side.
I've taken the wheels off a few different times in the past couple months to make sure everything was tight (unloaded and loaded) and everything seemed fine. I also confirmed the sturt bearings were both oriented correctly, checked the springs for damage and made sure the strut bearings bolts on top were tight. I think the noise is coming from the passenger strut bearing. I took some videos to capture the noise but also to watch the joints etc.... the noise is present in these videos, is a squeaking groan like noise. I am able to make the noise present by pushing in/out on the top of the passenger tire with the car on the ground.
I noticed the passenger side strut bolt that goes through the center of the strut bearing has a lot larger range of motion compared to the driver side. It also looks like the driver side passenger nut is torqued down a little further and has 8 threads exposed whereas the passenger side has 6 (at least I think I counted them correctly) I did not have a strut socket tool to best torque those nuts to spec so I started with an impact driver (low power/low volume air) to get the nut started then used a 22mm offset wrench with an alan key holding the center and hand tightened.
I am running Koni active reds with the IDparts towing spring package (Tiguan fronts and Jetta Towing Rears).
If the top strut nut is not in the correct position (could be down 2 more threads maybe) then is that strut a little longer in the extended position and somehow causing more stress on the suspension bearing or something? Alternatively, I could have gotten a bad strut mount or maybe there is something about combining the A3/TT mount with Koni Reds and the Tiguan spring combo?
Ive since gotten the correct strut mount tool , so my next steps were going to be to take the passenger strut out again and 2x check the strut nut then reinstall everything.
Any other thoughts?
Passenger Side Squeak noise - Upper Strut Mount?
I've taken the wheels off a few different times in the past couple months to make sure everything was tight (unloaded and loaded) and everything seemed fine. I also confirmed the sturt bearings were both oriented correctly, checked the springs for damage and made sure the strut bearings bolts on top were tight. I think the noise is coming from the passenger strut bearing. I took some videos to capture the noise but also to watch the joints etc.... the noise is present in these videos, is a squeaking groan like noise. I am able to make the noise present by pushing in/out on the top of the passenger tire with the car on the ground.
I noticed the passenger side strut bolt that goes through the center of the strut bearing has a lot larger range of motion compared to the driver side. It also looks like the driver side passenger nut is torqued down a little further and has 8 threads exposed whereas the passenger side has 6 (at least I think I counted them correctly) I did not have a strut socket tool to best torque those nuts to spec so I started with an impact driver (low power/low volume air) to get the nut started then used a 22mm offset wrench with an alan key holding the center and hand tightened.
I am running Koni active reds with the IDparts towing spring package (Tiguan fronts and Jetta Towing Rears).
If the top strut nut is not in the correct position (could be down 2 more threads maybe) then is that strut a little longer in the extended position and somehow causing more stress on the suspension bearing or something? Alternatively, I could have gotten a bad strut mount or maybe there is something about combining the A3/TT mount with Koni Reds and the Tiguan spring combo?
Ive since gotten the correct strut mount tool , so my next steps were going to be to take the passenger strut out again and 2x check the strut nut then reinstall everything.
Any other thoughts?
Passenger Side Squeak noise - Upper Strut Mount?