11mm + .260s will provide more power than i suspect you will ever need, while also keeping needed advance to a minimum. think about it. 11mm .158s in a stock automatic alh puts out 90hp/155ft-lbs on a stock tune. you can push those farther and get more out of it too. .260s is 2.7x the hole size of .158s. so if you can do 45mg safe out of .158s....
i'm putting .290s (with 11mm) in my mk3 with gtd2060vz at some point soon, because i want to try them, for fun daily driver and hoping to maintain 55mpg daily driving. ~36-38psi max boost.
i don't think you're going to be needing that kind of power. what are your WHP goals? unless you're going beyond 200whp 11mm/.260s is imo more than enough and keep things safe. going big injectors isn't only about max power, its about having short enough injection durations so you can reduce advance and keep the engine healthy.... something it seems most don't realize (given what i've seen)