60 mpg
Okay, count me as one who wants the 60 mpg tank, but add I want the 900 mile tank too. My best so far is 55 mpg. I just don't have the patience for the long trip at 55 mpg, etc. I think 870 is my best tank so far.
However, I did get a solid 67 mpg or better in my 1980 Dasher diesel wagon back in about 1983. I still have my record book if I need to look it up. It was late April, going south on I-5 in California's central valley, with a terrific tailwind. I filled at the north end of the valley and again on the other side of the Grapevine. I knew my mileage was terrific, so I filled it until I could see the diesel in the neck. The calculation came out to 67 mpg, but since I had filled it fuller, it was actually higher.
I suspect under similar conditions and speed, my Jetta would do even better.
As for drafting, I do it all the time. However, I discovered, in my Dodges with the overhead display, that following a truck at safe following distance, eg three second rule, still gives a pretty good mpg increase. However, trucks don't tool down the freeway at 55 mpg, so usually you have to be going 65 or better to draft.
Also on drafting, a lot of truckers do this. They exchange the lead and you might have three or four trucks, or more, in a convey to improve mpgs. At the difference between 6 and 7 it can really add up.
I didn't do drafting back when I had the Dasher because back then I though you had to tailgate the truck and I am never willing to do that.
One other point, a conditioner that boosts Cetane helps.