Couple things-a well running TDI don't warm up until you drive. Glow plugs stay on after the squiggly light goes off.
We don't all live in the great white north lol. Although it's not unusual to get single digits and even into negatives here, I'm just fine if the temp doesn't drop below 20*f.28F isn't a cold startMy light only stays on for a couple of seconds when it's that warm.
Same here. I think I’m living in the wrong part of the world for that though lolI'm just fine if the temp doesn't drop below 20*f.
It's hard to argue with that logic, but being as I'm a bonehead, I'll do it anywaysWell to quote my grandfather (who grew up well before Canada went Metric), “I never understood that, even when I was a kid. It’s 32 above and it’s freezing? I mean, how genius do you have to be?”
I had these advertised to me on AliX a couple years back and figured - for $5? Whatever - why not?Found a tiny little screw in between the tread... one plug later and it's back on the car.
I've seen stuff like that, can't justify buying it. I have a, nearly, endless supply of plugs and patches from an auction I went to. I only removed the tire since there was snow on the ground and I didn't feel like laying in it.I had these advertised to me on AliX a couple years back and figured - for $5? Whatever - why not?
Super-simple to "install" (can you operate a Philips head screwdriver? If "yes", then you can fix a tire with these). Pull out the offending item (usually a screw - and I'm always prepared to hear about my "cleaning up" practices from Mrs. Nuje, but they've all been some random Robertson-head wood screw or something I never use in car workings-on), put the little plug on the end of a Phillips screwdriver, twist it down.
There is no step three.
Since then, I've used it on three of my cars that picked up screws and flatted, as well as the neighbours. Mine, I eventually took in and got proper repairs (weeks later, never having lost a single psi). But the neighbours, despite my "you should really get this repaired properly at some point", are still running it over a year later without issue.
If you can see the screw or whatever is causing the leak, you don't even need to remove the tire.
I keep a fistful of these, along with a Li-ion inflator, in the car as "quick fix" remedy now.
Those Valeo ones are the best!Installed an 11T, Valeo starter on the '04. Its original would kick out of engagement when it was about 3/4's started in the cold. Spins the engine a bit faster too. If I never have to test it beow 0 F, I won't be unhappy...LOL
Next up, trans output hub seals, and a DS outer CV joint and boot kit. 3 qt of MT90 will arrive today.
I made the same mistake except in a campfire.
Thought I'd decarbonize this intake fast by tossing it in the fireplace for a few minutes..oh well.