What did you do to your MKIV today?


Veteran Member
Mar 10, 2023
2001 jetta
28F isn't a cold start ;) My light only stays on for a couple of seconds when it's that warm.
We don't all live in the great white north lol. Although it's not unusual to get single digits and even into negatives here, I'm just fine if the temp doesn't drop below 20*f.


Veteran Member
Apr 30, 2021
Albany NY
2003 Jetta TDI
In continuation cold-start saga, it was 11*F this morning.

I decided to try a single glow cycle. It fired off right away, though there was a little bit more roughness to the start/ensuing idle for a short time. Not a huge difference, but I noted it. In my case, with my car, Burpod tuned, timing graph a little below the middle line on the graph, (plus fuel has Power Service in it), at least down to 10*F I do not need to double glow. I don't think I'd need to double glow down to 0*F either, but I probably will next time it gets that cold--certainly doesn't hurt (unless your battery is iffy, perhaps), but it does make a difference.

Also, I decided not to let it idle at all before heading out as though it were any other day. Again, 8 minutes for the needle to hit 12:00 on the temp guage. My radiator is blocked off with plastic placemats. I also had recirc on, temp to full cold (to keep cold air off the heater core).

Powder Hound

Top Post Dawg
Oct 25, 1999
Under a Bridge, Crestview, FL, USA
'00 Golf 4dr White 5sp, '02 Jettachero 5sp, Wife's '03 NB Platinum Gray auto(!)
After working on Jettachero to fix air blend doors (didn't need to - long story) I was trying to install a new had unit, and that one was DOA. After some trouble shooting, I did not call in for a warranty replacement because I found 14v on the switch signal but only 2.4v on the main power wire.

Checked the fuses, both OK. BTW: the power wire is fuse 42 and the switch goes through 37. Load reduction relay (position 2, marked 100 in my 2002 chassis) was just fine. For the relay, I checked for resistance on the switched power circuit and found only 0.6 ohms when the contact is pushed closed by my fat finger. About the only thing left I could think of is that maybe the relay in the comfort control module is going bad and that there was too much resistance due to oxidation or something like that.
I found a used one on ebay and ordered it.
While waiting for it to show up, I decided to just check everything again. I checked the plug at the head unit, at the conversion plug where it mates to the car's plug, and about everywhere else I could jam my multimeter's pointy probe. Now, for some reason the voltages that are supposed to be 12v are 12v, and the new unit turned on. I suspect the faulty unit I pulled out (it was also an aftermarket head unit) is still OK.

So here I am, not having actually replaced anything, with stuff working where it previously did not. The only thing that makes sense is that there were bad contacts, just in the plugs between the head unit and the factory plugs.

So the end result is that there was an awful lot of labor to 'fix' a few iffy connection(s) in the wiring. I shall make myself grateful that I have tunes once again!




Black Swamp Thing
Feb 9, 2014
Michigan near Toledo
2001 Jetta TDI, 5 speed Lagoon Blue Metallic(sold); 2005 Jetta TDI Wagon auto
Got a local's ALH running today. Long story short, someone not very capable hand their hands all over it. They made some mistakes (install battery cables backwards). The the local bought it in-op. Local had a seemingly capable shop do some more work (ECU and cluster swap), then they kinda gave up. He put 200 miles on it, but problems arose again. Local took it to a different mechanic (that oddly enough I know). Mechanic I know is good, but not well versed on TDI's. This summer, local spotted me around town, we exchanged numbers and today was the first I saw the car.

Crank no-start. (It stumbled, then died)
Fuel gauge said 3/4 tank.
Fuel filter changed and prefilled
Tach registered cranking RPM.
Relay 109 replaced, problem persisted.
(Here is where I come in)
VCDS needed updating but no internet available. Wouldn't let me do anything til it updated.
Took return line off IP, cranked, no fuel came out.
Mason jar with diesel came out, both IP lines placed in jar.
She roared to life!!
Removed sending unit thinking check valve stuck closed
Sending unit installed wrong, causing permanent 3/4 tank.
Fuel tank EMPTY, bone dry.
Verified sending unit moved gauge correctly, it did.
Reinstalled sending unit.
5 gallons of diesel into tank
Ventectomy performed
Runs great again.

Sometimes it's the simple things!


Top Post Dawg
Feb 11, 2005
Island near Vancouver
2002 Golf 6MT; 2015 Sportwagen 6MT; 2016 A3 e-tron 6DSG
Found a tiny little screw in between the tread... one plug later and it's back on the car.
I had these advertised to me on AliX a couple years back and figured - for $5? Whatever - why not?

Super-simple to "install" (can you operate a Philips head screwdriver? If "yes", then you can fix a tire with these). Pull out the offending item (usually a screw - and I'm always prepared to hear about my "cleaning up" practices from Mrs. Nuje, but they've all been some random Robertson-head wood screw or something I never use in car workings-on), put the little plug on the end of a Phillips screwdriver, twist it down.
There is no step three.

Since then, I've used it on three of my cars that picked up screws and flatted, as well as the neighbours. Mine, I eventually took in and got proper repairs (weeks later, never having lost a single psi). But the neighbours, despite my "you should really get this repaired properly at some point", are still running it over a year later without issue.

If you can see the screw or whatever is causing the leak, you don't even need to remove the tire.

I keep a fistful of these, along with a Li-ion inflator, in the car as "quick fix" remedy now.


Veteran Member
Mar 10, 2023
2001 jetta
I had these advertised to me on AliX a couple years back and figured - for $5? Whatever - why not?

Super-simple to "install" (can you operate a Philips head screwdriver? If "yes", then you can fix a tire with these). Pull out the offending item (usually a screw - and I'm always prepared to hear about my "cleaning up" practices from Mrs. Nuje, but they've all been some random Robertson-head wood screw or something I never use in car workings-on), put the little plug on the end of a Phillips screwdriver, twist it down.
There is no step three.

Since then, I've used it on three of my cars that picked up screws and flatted, as well as the neighbours. Mine, I eventually took in and got proper repairs (weeks later, never having lost a single psi). But the neighbours, despite my "you should really get this repaired properly at some point", are still running it over a year later without issue.

If you can see the screw or whatever is causing the leak, you don't even need to remove the tire.

I keep a fistful of these, along with a Li-ion inflator, in the car as "quick fix" remedy now.
I've seen stuff like that, can't justify buying it. I have a, nearly, endless supply of plugs and patches from an auction I went to. I only removed the tire since there was snow on the ground and I didn't feel like laying in it.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 5, 2014
AnnArbor, MI
Mk.4's and the Cummins
Installed an 11T, Valeo starter on the '04. Its original would kick out of engagement when it was about 3/4's started in the cold. Spins the engine a bit faster too. If I never have to test it beow 0 F, I won't be unhappy...LOL

Next up, trans output hub seals, and a DS outer CV joint and boot kit. 3 qt of MT90 will arrive today.



Vendor , w/Business number
Mar 21, 2015
Versailles Missouri
2004 VW Touareg V10 TDI, 2012 Audi Q7 V6 TDI, 1998 VW Jetta TDI. 1982 VW Rabbit pickup, 2001 VW Jetta TDI, 2005 VW Passat wagon TDI X3, 2001 VW golf TDI, 1980 VW rabbit pickup,
Installed an 11T, Valeo starter on the '04. Its original would kick out of engagement when it was about 3/4's started in the cold. Spins the engine a bit faster too. If I never have to test it beow 0 F, I won't be unhappy...LOL

Next up, trans output hub seals, and a DS outer CV joint and boot kit. 3 qt of MT90 will arrive today.

Those Valeo ones are the best!


Veteran Member
Jan 13, 2022
'01 Alh Golf Mk4 Wagon
Not that I am aware of. It's funny, when I pulled it out it all looked fine, all the carbon gone..cool I said to myself. I then flipped it over and saw this abomination. Good thing I have 2 backup manifolds lol.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 12, 2004
north nj
2001 golf tdi 4 door auto now a manual, mine, 2000 golf 2 door M/T son's,daughters 98 NB non-TDI 2.0, 2003 TDI NB for next daughter, head repaired and on road,glutton for punishment got another tdi 2001NB,another yellow tdi NB , added an 06 NB DSG
Holy $hitt.!!!!!


Veteran Member
Jan 13, 2022
'01 Alh Golf Mk4 Wagon
Well I didn't do it on purpose. There were only a few small logs in the fire, never thought it would get that hot in there.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 5, 2014
AnnArbor, MI
Mk.4's and the Cummins
AL melts before it glows. It is that low. Annealing AL crush seals is a fool's job( IMO ), though Cu ones get properly red and don't melt and are waaay easier to anneal with a hand torch and cup ov cold water.

I bolt a board across the head flange, drop in some gravel and a good dose of brake cleaner and shake-shake-shake and then shake some more. It is more than a bit messy...LOL



Top Post Dawg
Jun 18, 2015
Greenville, MI the winter water wonderland
More than I need, less than I want
If anyone is curious, when taking a torch and oxygen to an intake to clean it, the casting will take on a purplish/brown hue if it is being overheated. A simple backing off of the induced oxygen via the blow gun will keep it burning clean.

Brought to you by a disciple of Captain Combustion's Fire by Trial 101 get it burnin' class of '77.

Stay tuned for future lessons on why, when inducing a bonfire, you should put out your burning gas can rather than drop it and run. Facts compiled with the help of hairless Pete.


Top Post Dawg
Aug 12, 2004
north nj
2001 golf tdi 4 door auto now a manual, mine, 2000 golf 2 door M/T son's,daughters 98 NB non-TDI 2.0, 2003 TDI NB for next daughter, head repaired and on road,glutton for punishment got another tdi 2001NB,another yellow tdi NB , added an 06 NB DSG
Replaced both rear calipers , disc’s and new brake pads……. Old calipers were hanging up on the e brake lever…..
Nice to not have a dragging brake and parking brakes again.
Was able to this at work in a nice heated dry hanger……
Got everything with the sale at idparts……


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2024
2000 Golf
Been tracking down a shake while braking. Last time this happened mechanic caught I was apparently missing a bolt on the lower arm. Started a little while after doing pads and rotors. Thought I had gone through everything pretty thoroughly so I figured rock auto may have sent a warped rotor. So I took a ride to FCP euro and grabbed some rotors. Went to replace the driver side and found the upper caliper bolt backed itself out since the threads were worn. Didn't think to check cause everything went in tight when I put the first set of rotors in. Bought an oversize caliper bolt and no more shake...


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2024
2000 Golf
Also recently wrapped up re-covering the door inserts on the two rear doors. Currently working on the front passenger. Decided it was way too much of a pain to get them close to nice looking so I've been saying screw it and just ending up with some wrinkles.

Kinda wishing I took the time to hook up the heated seats before winter as I've had no motivation to go out and wire them in the past couple months.


Veteran Member
Jan 20, 2004
Speaking of heated seats... my passenger side seat hasn't worked in awhile. I've checked the switch, seems OK, and I even swapped it.

What else can I check easily without pulling the seat?

Driver's side works great and the seats are the original ones. If anything, the driver's side has probably been used more.