Tried to fill up this morning at a new-to-me station by my new school (work). It's an unmanned shop with pay at the pump.
Selected diesel, and went to pump. Barely a trickle flowed into the tank. Like $0.14 worth. Hmmm. Squeezed the trigger again, and still almost zero flow. Someone else pulled in and started pumping gasoline fine. Tried a third time, and it started flowing slightly better, like 1/100th of a gallon per second. Put a grand total of 1.5 gallons in after 5 minutes and gave up. Now my FE calculation will be all screwed up, and I've been worried about it because it's dropped these past 1,200 miles or so. I only had 525 miles on the last tank from full (still have the vent) to a smidge over 1/8 tank left.