The new TB, tensioner, and related parts have been installed along with the cleaned intake manifold, some new vacuum lines, new EGR valve, new AC compressor, dryer, expansion valve, o-rings, and cleaning / flushing of the AC lines, flushing the cooling system and new anti-freeze, etc... A partial system overhaul and work I wouldn't wan't to pay full labor / retail parts prices for getting done. Too much of that and it wouldn't be worth the cost due to the age / mileage of the car.
The engine has been manually turned over several times by hand (only clockwise with the metalnerd sprocket loosening tool) and there doesn't appear to be any problems which would prevent the engine from turning over as it should. It appears only normal resistance is encountered from valvetrain operation and piston compression. I suppose if there were any problems from possible damage or collisions then it would bind up at a certain point and not want to go any further unless using excessive force.
While trying to put the serpentine belt tensioner back on, I noticed one of the 3 bolts is missing and apparently didn't realize this when removing it. It's possible it came loose and fell out or was simply left out during a previous repair job by someone... I put many of the bolts back in the holes or in labeled containers to keep track of where they go and such to help prevent such issues, so unless it turns up I'll have to get another one from the dealer or order one online, but will create another delay ...