GLOPLUG,I don't know when your deal took place,but if the dealer is interested in keeping you as a happy customer,approach him on this difference in price and see if he'll do something for you,in the way of a re-bate,accessories,service credits etc etc.In 99,when I leased my wife Passat,I paid a certain interest rate,a week later VW Canada came out with a lower rate,it would have made a difference of about $1000 over the lease term.I approached the dealer and VWoC,and the dealer also went to VW on my behalf.I got $800 worth of goodies.I was very happy and bought 2 more cars.Sometimes it pays to speak up.They didn't HAVE to do anything,after all,I had signed a legal contract,but they obliged anyway.Very nice.
[This message has been edited by famous (edited February 14, 2001).]