Geez...I haven't visited here for a couple weeks. I had NO IDEA HOW ANGRY I SHOULD BE at VWoA. I've wasted 4+weeks of calm indifference toward VWoA when I could have been ANGRY!
It's 10:30pm, full day of work, I'm exhausted, and NOW I'm ANGRY enough that I won't be able to sleep.
I just checked my confirmation code (20151109-xxxx) and it says, "undefined." Bastards. How DARE they call me "undefined" for being a timely registrant, for playing by their rules.
Damn...4 weeks wasted when I could have been angry.
I'll phone VWoA tomorrow AM and yell at someone who has zero actual responsibility in this other than being paid a miserable wage to deal with...with...irate customers. I can't wait to make his/her life even more miserable.
..."'tis the season", I suppose...bah, humbug...

(PS: Still racking up mile after mile of very pleasant motoring with our 3 distinctly different VW vehicles, loving every mile...LOL!'m supposed to be ANGRY! I'll work on it...)