VW TDI goodwill package: Offers $500 Visa cards & $500 dealer credits to TDI owners


Veteran Member
Sep 2, 2003
West Coast
2013 JSW TDI (Enroute BB).......2017 Jetta 1.4 turbo 5M ....................
........my two cards activated today. The 40k service for my Vin# totals just under $500. Care to guess where that second (dealer only) gets used?



Jan 24, 2014
Hudson, N.C.
2014 Beetle TDI
Lot of crying here. They are giving me free money but I got to wait Please.
If you are not happy do not take the money or give it to charity or some homeless person.
Better yet take the VW card and give it one of our USA Vets we know they could use the help. I will do one even better.
I will take one of my VW cards and give free parts to and local Vet that owns a VW that need service this month.
$50 free parts from the dealer they pay labor per Vet, till the $500 is used up.
Very VERY nice!!!


Veteran Member
Jul 30, 2013
Passat SE TDI
Did on 11/9 and nothing received yet. Called the number today after reading someone said there were issue with VW and some of the entries. They confirmed mine was processed on the 10th and should be arriving soon...

Hope so!


Veteran Member
Apr 30, 2009
Central Texas
2015 GSW S DSG
I think VW should also issue a huge can of CHILL PILLs to all affected TDI owners. :)
take 2 in the morning and an other 2 before bed. :)


Veteran Member
Jun 25, 2013
Billings, MT
2013 Jetta TDI DSG
Got my cards in yesterday's mail, but was busy installing the snow tires on the Jetta this afternoon and walking the dog this morning, so maybe tomorrow the dealer will get a visit. My problem isn't in the time frame of when the money arrives, but what do I need $500 worth of from the dealer. In about 3 months my warranty will be up and I don't plan to visit the dealer after that. I suppose I could blow it on oil and filters, but then I'd have more stuff to figure out where to stash. So many problems so little time to figure them all out at my age. :D

Jeta Life

Veteran Member
Jun 5, 2015
NJ & North Pocono
2009 Jetta TDI DSG Auto
Anger is a big problem in today's society. Anxiety I think is the root cause. If there's any sage advise I could give (since this helps me) is to have patience.
Patience prevails, time heals, take it easy, easy does it, slow and steady wins the race, etc. Today's society is very anxious about a lot of things. I used to get all bent out of shape about things but as I'm middle aged we do get better with time.
Farmers used to watch me the city slicker shovel snow and remark how fast is not the way. They would say slow down your movements, use all your body mechanics fluidly and such advice, priceless.
I now watch workers work and see who works fast (haste makes waste) and who works smart, or work smarter not harder if you will. My job is blue collar so I'm a worker too. Those who work fast (same as a mechanic on cars) often:
1. Make mistakes
2. Forget something
3. Get tired so can't finish
4. Get injured
5. Pay somebody else (too lazy)
6. Create waste since they must do over, waste more time
7. Get angry or emotionally upset
8. Lose their job
9. Lose their family
10. Lose their health
Take it easy, take care.
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Veteran Member
Mar 26, 2013
2014 Audi Q7
I think VW should also issue a huge can of CHILL PILLs to all affected TDI owners. :)
take 2 in the morning and an other 2 before bed. :)
Your free to use the $500 visa card for fuel to get to colorado/washington/oregon and back home again, with plenty of money left over to get you a nice big bag of "chill pills" or equivalent.. tho be cautious, a sativa heavy "chill pill" has the potential to make your anxiety even worse..

now getting any left overs back home safely will be a whole nother anxiety ridden can-o-worms.. :eek:
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Veteran Member
Mar 14, 2005
eastern shore md
2005 Golf and 2013 Passat
Once you go to the dealer and activate them can you then use the dealer money at any VW dealer? I was wondering if we could use them at one of the wholesale VW dealer parts place.


Active member
Nov 24, 2014
Concord, NC
2015 VW Golf TDI S
I received my notice yesterday and went to the dealer today after work to activate it. They said I was around the 5th person to activate it today. This was at the VW of Mobile dealership.


Nov 4, 2012
Marin County
2012 Jetta
And do what? Scream at some random phone operator because you had to do 30 seconds of re-registration and will have to wait a few more weeks for a free gift?
Lets all relax here people. I didnt blow a gasket and punch grandma in the face because her annual christmas socks were a few weeks late last year
Funny as ****!!


Veteran Member
Mar 4, 2010
Omaha, NE
VW Jetta Sportwagen
Hoping mine comes this week. Filed 11/11. Brakes just started to squeal. *sigh*. I'm not mechanically inclined, so dealership will be doing them with the dealership credit.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2015
fort hood Texas
2012 jetta sportwagen
I think the issue with all the people who signed up between the 8th and 11th, is they really expected to be first in line. I personally signed up on the 9th, and am a bit worried that they screwed up my sign up. People say "don't get mad, it's free money". Well, no it8not. I bought my 12 jsw in February for $19k, it's actually worth. Now my car is only worth $14k. This care package is reparation for the loss of the value in my vehicle. If I get t-boned by some good rat tomorrow, my insurance company will not cover my pay off because it's more then 10% over the current value of the vehicle. So when we signed up one the first day, we expected to be served first. How would everyone like to go to a restaurant and order your food, then see everyone who came in after you get their food first while you have been waiting longer? That's just bad customer service.


Veteran Member
Feb 12, 2015
2012 Golf DSG w/tech package
I think the issue with all the people who signed up between the 8th and 11th, is they really expected to be first in line. So when we signed up one the first day, we expected to be served first. How would everyone like to go to a restaurant and order your food, then see everyone who came in after you get their food first while you have been waiting longer? That's just bad customer service.
I agree, it sucks.


Veteran Member
Mar 26, 2013
2014 Audi Q7
how is a car you have owned and driven for 10 months still worth what you originally bought it for?

I am having trouble following your logic, but I guess nobody ever explained to you what gap insurance is pretty much a requirement for any new car on loan.. you lost 10% in value signing the loan papers..

I bought my car new in 13, and yeah sadly its worth today what I had originally projected it to be at this time with cheap gasoline.. maby a grand off or so off, but that could be alot of things.. correlation != causation.. but I bought a new car planing on being the only owner of it, now that I just got it good and broken in now is not the time to concern my self with market value.


Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2007
2000 Jetta 6 speed, 2012 Passat DSG
I think the issue with all the people who signed up between the 8th and 11th, is they really expected to be first in line. I personally signed up on the 9th, and am a bit worried that they screwed up my sign up. People say "don't get mad, it's free money". Well, no it8not. I bought my 12 jsw in February for $19k, it's actually worth. Now my car is only worth $14k. This care package is reparation for the loss of the value in my vehicle. If I get t-boned by some good rat tomorrow, my insurance company will not cover my pay off because it's more then 10% over the current value of the vehicle. So when we signed up one the first day, we expected to be served first. How would everyone like to go to a restaurant and order your food, then see everyone who came in after you get their food first while you have been waiting longer? That's just bad customer service.
we arent all waiting around in a dining room watching people eat. You signed up for a free thing on the web. Typically for that type of free thing, if its within 6 weeks of the estimated delivery date, I call it timely. I have spent half a year waiting on thousand dollar furnace rebates from installations long forgotten.

Getting these placebo cards to even some of the people who signed up within the month time frame is unprecedented speed for these gift card companies.

did you buy your car to drive it, or park it and scribble its daily cash value in soap on the windshield? Every second you drive your car, every mile, its worth less money.

I spent 19k on a passat in sept and what its worth now is irrelevant. Who cares? I bought the car to drive it. When im done with the car sometime in the future, ill then consider what its worth based on its condition at that time. By then this little emissions drama will be long forgotten lore.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 21, 2009
Fort Worth, Texas
2009 Sportwagen (boughtback); 2014 Passat TDI SEL (boughtback)
Geez...I haven't visited here for a couple weeks. I had NO IDEA HOW ANGRY I SHOULD BE at VWoA. I've wasted 4+weeks of calm indifference toward VWoA when I could have been ANGRY!

It's 10:30pm, full day of work, I'm exhausted, and NOW I'm ANGRY enough that I won't be able to sleep.

I just checked my confirmation code (20151109-xxxx) and it says, "undefined." Bastards. How DARE they call me "undefined" for being a timely registrant, for playing by their rules.

Damn...4 weeks wasted when I could have been angry.

I'll phone VWoA tomorrow AM and yell at someone who has zero actual responsibility in this other than being paid a miserable wage to deal with...with...irate customers. I can't wait to make his/her life even more miserable.

..."'tis the season", I suppose...bah, humbug...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

(PS: Still racking up mile after mile of very pleasant motoring with our 3 distinctly different VW vehicles, loving every mile...LOL!...no...wait...I'm supposed to be ANGRY! I'll work on it...)
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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2015
fort hood Texas
2012 jetta sportwagen
Vehicle, especially vw's, do not depreciate very quickly. Yes, a new car off the lot will. But I think a loss of 1/3 a cars value in the matter of less then a year is very drastic. And as for insurance, you need to read your gap coverage. There is always a limitation on the amount they will pay over what your vehicle is worth. I can't tell you how many people I met as a wrecker operator who had full coverage with gap and still paid thousands on wrecked cars. As for "free money" you obviously don't understand economics. Every one of our cars have lost value due to intentional deceptions made by VW. I don't know about you, but if someone takes $5k from me, then gives me $1k back, it's not free money.


Top Post Dawg
Jan 21, 2009
Fort Worth, Texas
2009 Sportwagen (boughtback); 2014 Passat TDI SEL (boughtback)
assaultwagen: You're assuming the $5k (wherever you got that from) loss in value is permanent, and that there will be no rebound in VW values. I don't share your pessimism.
Patience is a virtue.
...but I digress. I'm supposed to be angry...and impatient...


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2015
fort hood Texas
2012 jetta sportwagen
Why would you assume I'm "angry" and "impatient"? Can not a person use logic and express reality without emotions? I have not called the holines and yelled at some random call center employee. I simply stayed the fact that VW's mistakes have put me in a situation that could cost me thousands of dollars, has (even in temporarily) decreased the value of my vehicle, and has shown poor customer service skills. All facts.


Veteran Member
Sep 1, 2011
Jurupa Valley
'09 JSW (GoneBack) - replaced with '15 Azera and '16 Fiat 500e.
Seems that a handful of folks are pretty upset with VW. It doesn't seem to me that a few days delay in arrival of free money should generate this much anger. If you think about it you're counting on the reliability of a bank and the USPS to deliver your package exactly on time. I think people are smart enough to realize that things can easily take longer than predicted.
I think you are drastically overestimating people's intelligence. (As proven in this very thread)


Veteran Member
Sep 1, 2011
Jurupa Valley
'09 JSW (GoneBack) - replaced with '15 Azera and '16 Fiat 500e.
I think the issue with all the people who signed up between the 8th and 11th, is they really expected to be first in line. I personally signed up on the 9th, and am a bit worried that they screwed up my sign up. People say "don't get mad, it's free money". Well, no it8not. I bought my 12 jsw in February for $19k, it's actually worth. Now my car is only worth $14k. This care package is reparation for the loss of the value in my vehicle. If I get t-boned by some good rat tomorrow, my insurance company will not cover my pay off because it's more then 10% over the current value of the vehicle. So when we signed up one the first day, we expected to be served first. How would everyone like to go to a restaurant and order your food, then see everyone who came in after you get their food first while you have been waiting longer? That's just bad customer service.
This goodwill money is in no way even supposed to be compensation for any damages you might have incurred from the fraud. This is a marketing gift to help you not hate VW. It's an apology, not a reparation. There is an entire other element that won't be able to be assessed until after VW comes up with a fix, and the impact of said fix is realized. THAT will be the compensation for any lost value we might have incurred from the fraud.


Veteran Member
Feb 16, 2007
2000 Jetta 6 speed, 2012 Passat DSG
Vehicle, especially vw's, do not depreciate very quickly. Yes, a new car off the lot will. But I think a loss of 1/3 a cars value in the matter of less then a year is very drastic. And as for insurance, you need to read your gap coverage. There is always a limitation on the amount they will pay over what your vehicle is worth. I can't tell you how many people I met as a wrecker operator who had full coverage with gap and still paid thousands on wrecked cars. As for "free money" you obviously don't understand economics. Every one of our cars have lost value due to intentional deceptions made by VW. I don't know about you, but if someone takes $5k from me, then gives me $1k back, it's not free money.
Where did you get the idea that this was a monetary compensation for lost value? Also how did you determine a solid 5k number for lost value? You bought the car earlier this year and you are already trying to sell it? Do you have offers from people or dealers totalling 5k less?

Im going to throw a random number out there too. Ive decided my car is worth 4k dollars and 3 pairs of signed Farah Fawcett panties less in value.
The free money VW is sending me doesnt equal the random number i determined im owed somehow, and where is VW going to find me 3 more charlies angels era panties? Shes been dead for 6 years goddammit


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2014
Upstate, SC
2014 Passat TDI SEL BLUE/Black Leather
Well I have not received anything yet but not really worried about it. However, I did try to check my registration code and its giving me the undefined error. I'll give it another week then I'll find out if I need to register again. I still can not believe all of the people here who are getting angry because its been a little over 4 weeks. It's free money and people still complain. Sometimes you can't please everyone I guess.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
Oklahoma City
2015 JSEL (buyback) 2015 PSEL (buyback) 2016 328d (keeper)
Once you go to the dealer and activate them can you then use the dealer money at any VW dealer? I was wondering if we could use them at one of the wholesale VW dealer parts place.

I was wondering this as well. Was gonna spend the dealer money on the VW roof rack for my skis.


, TDI Parts Ninja Vendor , w/Business number
Nov 6, 2015
Atlanta, GA
2014 A8L
Registered on November 9th, no cards yet. I'll probably end up calling VW Care tomorrow, as it seems a lot of Nov 8-10 registrations didn't process correctly.

Confused as to why this thread moved from a sticky in TDI 101 to the B7 Passat section though. What happened there?