Top Post Dawg
IIRC the program has ended for the most part so no need to keep it live any more.
This site was put up to start another suit for those of us who had an unfair denial of claim. Some were from bad titles, Mine was for not having the origional purchase papers or a copy of the title that was submitted to the dmv. Current issued title was not valid in their eyes since it held no hostory.IIRC the program has ended for the most part so no need to keep it live any more.
Are you sure about that, since according to the settlement site it states:You are too late. That is over already. It is now just a car again instead of a profit maker. You can get the fix done for free but you won't be getting any money from VW for it.
Haven't hear of that and I have been paying attention.From my understanding is that when VW did the buy back on this one they branded the title.
@GoFaster - at the current sale price it's an OK deal, nothing I'd go crazy about. Do you have a link to any docs specific around rebuilt titles and the specific dates related to those? I know that the vehicle was rebuilt in 2016Operate on the assumption that you are not going to get anything. That the vehicle was previously written off and rebuilt puts some additional dates into the equation (basically involving the dates at which dieselgate became public knowledge, and when the courts clarified what was to be done with these vehicles). I don't know what those dates are, but they are long past.
There is a remote possibility that if the effective dates of write-off and rebuild pre-date something that I don't recall, it MIGHT be eligible ... but it will be an uphill battle. Figure on nothing. If the car is still worth buying, file the claim paperwork. If nothing happens, that's what you expected. If something happens, bonus.
As far as I know, warranty is same for salvage and non salvage. My DEF pump was bad and they replaced it for free while doing the recall.Did you receive any warranty with the fix? I'm assuming salvage cars don't benefit from the 4year or 48k mile warranty extension.
Still waiting on my vehicles.Restitution
Anyone hear anything on when restitution checks will come out? It has been a year since claims deadline.