Well-known member
I just read a "news" story referencing this site as evidence that TDI owners are freaking the f**k out. (sorry no link, also could have been mentioned in the 140+ pages already on this) This is bad, because the "news" is using paranoia to fuel paranoia. (sarcasm on)They never do this because they are fair and balanced; Wiki WMD, Watergate, Justin Beiber, Deflategate for examples of fair journalism. (sarcasm off)
We drive diesels, which produce gas that isn't OK to suck in. If news of this action VWOA has taken to deliver a car to you (that you enjoy driving enough to join this website!!) has broken your conscience then maybe a diesel is not for you. Sell it and get something else more suited to your need for reassurance that your car choices have a tremendous effect on your surroundings beyond test conditions of which you have no understanding. If you can't sell it at a price you are comfortable with, then maybe it's you with the issue since you have just sold your integrity.
I am posting this past my bedtime, understand that it is going to be lost in what I expect will be 140 more pages(!) on or around the subject, and enjoy all of this dialogue.
We drive diesels, which produce gas that isn't OK to suck in. If news of this action VWOA has taken to deliver a car to you (that you enjoy driving enough to join this website!!) has broken your conscience then maybe a diesel is not for you. Sell it and get something else more suited to your need for reassurance that your car choices have a tremendous effect on your surroundings beyond test conditions of which you have no understanding. If you can't sell it at a price you are comfortable with, then maybe it's you with the issue since you have just sold your integrity.
I am posting this past my bedtime, understand that it is going to be lost in what I expect will be 140 more pages(!) on or around the subject, and enjoy all of this dialogue.