Not saying it's right, but when an over abundance of regulations are put in place, people will find a way to get around it. Just as the person who mentioned the way around speeding tickets by buying a lawyer, people will aways find a way to push the limits of the rules in place.
One is a fool to think VW is the only company doing something like this. I just feel doped by the 'clean diesel' that VW advertises. They don't advertise big MPG as much as they advertise clean diesel, and that is not cool.
From what I gather, the issue has been known for almost a year now, with no fix. If a fix was available, it would have happened by now. The fix has to be a fix that does something significant to the vehicle or else it would have been a slip under the rug type fix and would have happened by now. Also, offering a fix on their own, they would have had to admit the failure, killing the 'clean diesel' which they tout. Did I buy my diesel because of the advertising, no. I bought it for fuel economy and the car fit my needs 100%. Do I think any less of the car with this info to light, no. Do I feel a bit cheated by VW, yes.
Will they offer a buyback? They will have to, if the fix is a reduction in what the car offers and what the consumer purchased.
The only thing we can do is sit back and wait.