Two sides to this story I'm sure... EPA has had the biggest hard-on for keeping light duty diesels fleet percentages low. Nearly unattainable federal NOX limits on certification ( much more stringent than the EU ones for NOX ) being the biggest hurdle, which is why TDI's prior to 2006 were so freaking rare... VW couldn't sell them in any quantity per EPA regulations, fleet percentages and all that craziness. The long time club members and early TDI owners know this all too well.
Remember that EPA is a government agency that doesn't necessarily represent their constituents so much as cater to their buddies: domestic automakers, the oil/gas industry and other folks with big wallets. Punches have been thrown back and forth, this is EPA using the high-ground, "you cheated", argument to gain public backing amongst other gains.
Having said this. it wouldn't surprise me a bit if VW actually did somehow "cheat", as I'm sure every other manufacturer has done as well, this is BIG business people, when I think of the word corruption. This, even if true, pales in comparison to SO many in-our-face examples, big banks, big-pharma, Halliburton war machine, fracking, etc. The fact that EPA didn't find cheating on some domestic high-volume gas powered pile of bolts first just proves my point. You know where they want to throw their punches and it's not at their friends, they're getting pushed into the ring by whomever is funding the big fight. Folks who are simply pushing monopoly pieces around.
The TDI CR diesels are insanely clean, the folks who actually own and drive them can all nod their heads in agreement. If everyone drove them solely, I'm willing to bet, bad air days would drop like a rock across the board and "non-attainment" areas would dissolve. I don't have data to back that up, I speculate. But I DO know what I'm talking about and worked 10 years as a professional in the emissions testing industry.
Before everyone goes and badmouths VW and throws them under the bus, I think it's smart to look at both sides first and put yourself in both sets of shoes to best understand how these things happen the way they do. It's like prohibition, people are gonna drink, if the powers that be say no you can not, well, then folks find ways around that ridiculousness.
This particular punch in this long drawn out brawl isn't an efficient campaign to combat climate change and pollution in my personal opinion, TDI's are some of the best examples of vehicles reaching for the aggressive EPA mileage and CO2 targets looming.
IDK, just my $.02, carry on...