PLEASE......How is what VWAG did any different( no impact on actual air quality anywhere in the US)....
Compared to what auto makers have for ~3 decades now done by dishonestly using the loophole class for industrial use label to illegally sell what were in fact passenger offerings....
Passenger class offerings labeled as loophole for industrial use class to skirt, ignore and exceed set passenger class vehicle emissions limits by megatons & allowed to ignore CAFE rules which clearly applied to all passenger class offerings, for close to ~3 decades of exceeding these same emissions laws.. .???????.....
WRONG! The criminals in VW who think laws do not apply to them are responsible for the 30,000 out of work.
Every other? Name one other auto maker who brought a passenger diesel to the U.S. without urea injection, after tier 2 bin 5 took effect. The only secret was how the LNT needed to be showered with diesel in order to catalyze the necessary NOx,....and when to shut the shower off.
Those of us "paid out" are now just lingering. Soon, framing VW the victim will go uncontested.
Loophole class Gasoline engine's passenger use intended vehicles(SUVs of all sizes,Passenger Use intended from their inception light Trucks & even vehicles like the PT Cruise & GMs similar offering, along with many other offerings from all auto makers)...
All of which for close to three decades now were sold as tuck loophole for industrial use only class vehicles to skirt, ignore & violate passenger class vehicle emissions & CAFE rules!
I have to ask, how about the last three decades of the blatant abuse of the loophole class to fill our roads with what were in actuality always intended from their inception to be gasoline powered passenger vehicles!
Passenger Vehicles in fact from the start that were pollution spewing & fuel wasting vehicles which for years claimed to be in the loophole for industrial use.
This was/still is just being ignored by the EPA and CARB, along with all of you screaming at VWAG to doing far less here with minuscule numbers these things were sold in here!
By 2004 these loophole class passenger offerings had been sold in such numbers they dropped US fleet CAFE into the single digits.
These law breakers, actual passenger class law ignoring offerings lead directly to many parts of US having many more days across the US where EPA pollution rule limits were exceeded...
Spewing actual pollution(not the BS that all are screaming about VWAG's non-existent in significant levels anywhere in the US!) Pollution spewed by 2004 in levels not seen since the 1970s due to actual impact these pollution spewing offerings put out!
The passage of emissions rules on light duty diesel auto class vehicles which no one! , but VW even tried to offer here for the last three decades+....
Rules all knew were Not Ever intended to clean up any air anywhere, but to make US emissions appear cleaner only on paper! .....!...NEVER IN THE REAL WORLD...!....
Those who wrote them and those who pushed for them,(these rules were introduced to try to balance in a fantasy world only out the over-polluting lightly regulated truck class vehicles sold as auto class offerings).....
This was done so the auto makers who have tied their future to this misuse of the emissions & CAFE "truck loophole" continuing the production/sale of these profitable minimally regulated offerings for a while longer without auto regulations being implemented on these offerings.....
This stricten'ing up of emissions on non-existent vehicles no one has offered here since model year 1985 was done so auto makers could sell the more polluting vehicles in the loophole class...
LoopHole Truck class Vehicles that were being illegally offered for passenger use. This building & selling of these designed for passenger use & sale which was a clear violation of the intent of the loophole class implementation in 1984MY.....
That is this was a illegal use of of the "Truck loophole class" for industrial use only was part of a play to use this loophole a while longer while these rules gave the appearance of cleaning up air...!...
...These facts were pointed out during the discussion time about implementing of the current over-zealous light duty auto class diesel emissions rules VWAG played around with.......
So I at least am tired of the piling on of VWAG for what they did, how is it any worse than what every other auto maker has done for years while using the heavy truck loophole for industrial use class ...
The intent of the loophole class law was ignored for years (large gasoline wasting heavy lumps that for years did not have to meet auto/passenger class emissions or CAFE rules were always intended for passenger use which violates the intent, spirit and specifically what the was written as the reason for passage of emissions & CAFE loophole for heavy & light trucks to used in industrial settings)...
This abuse of the loophole rules was the way auto makers used to skirt/violate passenger emissions & CAFE gasoline engine rules which should have applied...
Auto makers have for years building used the heavy & light truck loophole for industrial use class vehicles to skirt the law building passenger vehicles that did violate the passenger class gasoline engine emissions & CAFE rules...
This is where these ridiculous emissions rules on light duty auto diesels came from so how is this any worse that what auto makers have done for 3~ decades now...
A bargain made with the auto industry to over regulate non-existent auto class light duty diesels...Costing the auto makers nothing since none of them other than VWAG had even tried to sell an auto class diesel here since model year 1986!
FACT said:
The intent of Over regulating non-existent auto class diesels while continuing to allow the dishonest & illegal use of the loophole class.
The unprosecuted illegal allowed use of the loophole class specification moniker for the specific skirting of emissions & CAFE rules in effect for all passenger class offerings....
The unprosecuted illegal use of the loophole class claiming for these vehicles sold in the 100s millions(some of these offerings were sold in billions while skirting emissions & CAFE laws for passenger use) for close ~3 decades to build passenger vehicles which spewed pollution and wasted fuel well above allowed limits in place at the time for passenger class vehicles to make the air appear cleaner only on paper....
By using the truck class loophole for skirting, ignoring, exceeding emissions limits & CAFE laws/rules with their blatant using of the loophole class rules to build/sell 100s of millions of vehicles always intended to be used for passenger class offerings....
All of you screaming for VWAG's head, where is you outrage about how the truck loophole for industrial class vehicles has been used for years to produce real pollution that fills our air...?....
Auto makers have now dishonestly for decades used the loophole for industrial use class to fill our roads with passenger intended use large & small gasoline wasting pollution spewing SUVs, Passenger used light trucks, & vehicles like the PT cruiser & similar "ALL" that did not EVER meet passenger class emissions or CAFE rules..
Passenger vehicles which were wrongly allowed to be labeled as truck loophole for industrial use class to get around emissions & CAFE laws in place which were sold in the 100s of millions(some loophole class claimed models were sold in the billions) which produced, still produce extreme amounts of pollution above the passenger class rules which should have been required!
So how is what VWAG did any different( no impact on actual air quality anywhere in the US) than what auto makers have for ~3 decades done using the loophole class for industrial use label on what were in fact passenger offerings skirt, ignore and exceed set passenger class vehicle limits by megatons, for close to ~3 decades of exceeding these same emissions laws.. .???????.....
Automakers are still being allowed to sell passenger vehicles labeled as loophole class offerings skirting passenger class CAFE rules! Where is the outrage on this...????....