VDS_pro Resource thead only

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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
VDS-pro/CCM resource thead only

I am going to attempt compiling some information. This thead will stay locked.

Please ask questions in the original thread located HERE

How-to instructions from Compu85 and a PDF file

Link to the proper config file for VDS pro on my(Compu85) server?

Here is the config file:

username: tdi
password: idt

There's also the original german PDF:

Which I have converted to HTML:


The procedure is this:

-Place all the VDS files in a folder on the disk
-Boot the comptuer into real mode dos (win 9x command prompt only, etc)
-Run the vag.bat file in the VDS folder
-Press ESC to cancel the autoconnect
-Connect your cable
-Connect to the CCM (enter 46)
-Login with code 19283 (function 11)
-Look up and write down your existing memory values (function 26)
-Change the values (function 27)
-Close the connection (function 06)
-Test that things work as they should!

The 'main' screen in VDS:

Making a session with the CCM:

CCM is open. Note the PN at the bottom of the screen. I have the 1J0 959 799 AJ controller.

Logging in:

Reading the current memory blocks. You must do this for each location and write down what data is currently present, in case you screw up like I did initially and need to go back.

Location 0 is what will be changed:

Confirmation window:


**Big thanks to Dieselgti who put the numbers down below together!!!
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
Postings of successful adaptations

Security Feature discovered by MOGOLF


Glen called tonight and made a discovery regarding the modification to the CCM via VDS Pro. For all those of you who can make the modification, here's what he found.

Instead of changing the existing by 4, if you change it by 2 it disables the key in the door window roll-down and roll-up.

The sunroof will still close with the key in the door.

So now, your vehicle's more secure. I am sure you all have heard about how theives are stealing VW's right? It's all over the Vortex.

242 goes to 244
250 goes to 252

Pretty cool, huh?


Second UK spec by aRd
Nate Grauvogel
Nate Grauvogel New Beetle
Dieselgti - New Beetle
Another New Beetle Dieselgti
Occams Razor
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD

1J0 959 799 S 03B
Memory Address old value new value
04283 8 2
04289 8 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
16820 250 254 driver side rear window
20916 242 246 passenger side rear window

1J0 959 799 J 00E
Memory Address old value new value
04286 8 2
04291 8 2
04296 8 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
16820 250 254 driver side rear window
20916 242 246 passenger side rear window

1J0 959 799 AH 046 Sedan
Memory Address old value new value
04295*** 138/ 64
04283 138 / 64
04289 138 / 2
08628 242 / 246
12724 250 / 254
16820 242 / 246
20916 250 / 254

1J0 959 799 AH 06Q Sedan
Memory Address old value new value
04295*** 72 / 64
04283 72 / 64
04289 72 / 2
08628 242 / 244
12724 250 / 252
16820 242 / 244
20916 250 / 252

***This memory address added to keep the rear trunk handle from locking the car
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD

1C0 959 799 A (any index) and 1C0 959 799 B (any index) for Wagon
Memory Address old value new value
04361 75 67
04362 75 67
04363 75 67

1C0 959 799 A (any index) and 1C0 959 799 B (any index) for Sedan
Memory Address old value new value
04361 74 66
04362 74 66
04363 74 66

1C0 959 799 C (2002 Golf)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 138 66
04362 138 66
04363 138 66

1C0 959 799 C (2004 Golf GLS TDI)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 138 130
04362 138 130
04363 138 n/c

1C0 959 799 F or 1C0 959 799 G
Memory Address old value new value
04361 202 194
04362 202 194
04363 202 194
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
B5 Passat

1J0 959 799AJ
Memory Address old value new value
04283 138 2
04289 138 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
16820 242 246 driver side rear window
20916 250 254 passenger side rear window

1J0 959 799 S 03B
Memory Address old value new value
04283 8 2
04289 8 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
16820 250 254 driver side rear window
20916 242 246 passenger side rear window

1J0 959 799 J 00E
Memory Address old value new value
04286 8 2
04291 8 2
04296 8 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
16820 250 254 driver side rear window
20916 242 246 passenger side rear window
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
B5.5 Passat

1C0 959 799 A (Wagon)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 75 67
04362 75 67
04363 75 67

1C0 959 799 B (Wagon)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 75 67
04362 75 67
04363 75 67

1C0 959 799 B (Wagon)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 74 66
04362 74 66
04363 74 66

1C0 959 799 B (Sedan)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 74 66
04362 74 66
04363 74 66

1C0 959 799 C (Wagon)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 203 195
04362 203 195
04363 203 195

1C0 959 799 C (Sedan)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 202 194
04362 202 194
04363 202 194
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
New Beetle

1J0 959 799AJ
Memory Address / old value / new value
04283 / 138 / 2
04289 / 138 / 2
08628 / 242 / 246 driver side front window
12724 / 250 / 254 passenger side front window

1C0 959 799 F
Memory Address / old value / new value
04361 / 202 / 194
04362 / 202 / 194
04363 / 202 / 194

1C0 959 799 G
Memory Address / old value / new value
04361 / 202 / 194
04362 / 202 / 194
04363 / 202 / 194
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD

1J0 959 799AJ
Memory Address old value new value
04283 138 2
04289 138 2
08628 242 246 driver side front window
12724 250 254 passenger side front window
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
Jetta Wagon

1C0 959 799 C (2003 Jetta Wagon TDI)
Memory Address old value new value
04361 202 194
04362 202 194
04363 202 194
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD

6N0 959 799 B 07F
Memory Address old value new value
04283 10 2
04289 10 2
4295 10 2
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Top Post Dawg
Jan 31, 2000
Baltimore, MD
2000 Jetta TDI, 2004, Jetta Wagon TDI PD
madelgado said:
Since all byte are repeated three times, I would not leave the module with two of them modified and not the third... I think that if you put three different values in the three bytes, it will give a configuration error. If two of them are the same, it will assume that configuration.

For 1J0 modules it works more or less the same, but it is not repeated one after the other, but 6 bytes later, this way:

04283 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5
04289 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5
04295 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5

I have seen some configurations posted where there are only 2 bytes modified for the roll-up windows mod... My personal experience says that it should be three; As I say in my first paragraph, it will still work changing only two (4283 and 4289, for instance) but the module will not be fully redundant, so less resistant to any interferience that may alter one bit.

About the auto-roll-up, Mr. szkvw... do the windows roll-up right after a normal door close, or do u have to press a bit longer the close button? I ask because the second option (press longer than normal) would be ideal... otherwise I could never leave the windows open... if you want to share the conf byte and bit number... otherwise it will take to me some time to test this week-end and I will post-it on monday. BTW, I bought a couple of folding mirrors (waiting to come). I will investigate what is the difference between the normal power window motor and folding-enabled PWM... I suspect that it will be small difference ;-) so I suspect that normal PWM is adaptable to FE (folding-enabled) PWM... Anyone tried something like this? TIA!

Once that the FEPWM is working, I will look for the bit to fold/unfold when the car closes/opens.
Hi, I will correct this post (myself), because there is a small error... most of it is still valid, but not the start address of the sequence. This was possible because I got some 1J0 CCMs from Ray (many thanks!), so that I could compare and realize about my mistake.

The way it is:

04280 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5
04286 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5
04292 conf_byte0 conf_byte1 conf_byte2 conf_byte3 conf_byte4 conf_byte5

Another thing that I've realized is about similarities between 1J0 and 1C0 CCMs. The main difference is the distribution of replicated bytes...

To simplify, we can say that for a 1J0 CCM, the master configuration bytes are:

4280 - conf0
4281 - conf1
4282 - conf2
4283 - conf3
4284 - conf4
4285 - conf5

and for a 1C0 CCM, master conf bytes are:

4352 - conf0
4355 - conf1
4358 - conf2
4361 - conf3
4364 - conf4
4367 - conf5

Well, a common evidence is that the power windows mod is done for 1J0 on address 4283 (conf_byte3) and for 1C0 CCMs, is done at address 4361 (conf_byte3). In both cases, the functionality is activated by substracting 8, which is equivalent to set to 0 the same byte.

About the alarm horn and interior monitoring mod, it is done at address 4285 for a 1J0 CCM and at address 4367 for a 1C0 CCM, and also same bytes and values... isn't it curious? I think that everything that is done for a 1C0 CCM can be implemented on a 1J0 CCM.

Last week end I did not have time to try all combinations and find the f*** bit to enable the one touch roll-up, although I will found some other interesting bits that I will post as soon as I document the address/value pairs. Some of them explain why the trunk opens or why variants have different coding/wiring for the trunk.

I keep on working on this. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
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