Hi Guys,
It`s time again to invite you to the Ultimate Dubs at the Telford International Centre, UK ‘s largest indoor VAG enthusiast’s event, which each year brings together the Ultimate VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda & Porsche show cars
The show date for 2015 is on Sunday 15th March. This will be supported by Local, National and European advertising to host the best show cars, clubs and associated trade companies for everyone to enjoy, with thousands of visitors from across UK, Europe and beyond – this is one not to miss!
Visit our UD Facebook page for all the latest news from UD.
Saturday pre-view
UD will be also open to the public from 5pm – 9pm on the Saturday evening as well as Sunday from 9am – 4.30pm.
This will bring a great twist to the event with special attractions – further details will be announced shortly on the web site – www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk
Don’t forget to visit our shop on site for those UD collectables.
Show & Shine
Ultimate Dubs 2015 will bring together over 250 of the Best Water-cooled VW, Audi, Seat & Skoda show cars from across the U.K and Europe, at the Telford International Centre, on Sunday 15th March. Whether your’e into Stock, Old Skool, Nu Wave, Custom, Tuned Cars - there is sure to be something to suit your taste at UD15.
Sunday Outdoor Club Displays
See the best VAG clubs at UD displayed around the perimeter of the Telford International Centre unit.
This is a great chance to see and talk to the guys who are part of the countries quality car clubs and check-out the club cars.
At UD15 we will have a variety of Concour's quality stock vehicles. Cars on display will be from the early 70's up to the present day.
Want to show your car at Ultimate Dubs 2015?
Do you have a vehicle that you think would be worthy of competing against the best in Europe or fit any of the displays above, then please go to our web site www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk and fill-in the form on the show and shine section so we can get a feel for your vehicle.
All entrants will receive one Free Admission for themselves, and may drive home with one of our Ultimate Trophies. Over 50 Trophies to be awarded.
All booking forms / ticket sales /traders etc. are available – www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk
Ultimate Stance held on in November was greeted very well with not just the German cars but a great variety of top quality vehicles of various makes, and promises to become as popular as U/d.
It`s time again to invite you to the Ultimate Dubs at the Telford International Centre, UK ‘s largest indoor VAG enthusiast’s event, which each year brings together the Ultimate VW, Audi, Seat, Skoda & Porsche show cars
The show date for 2015 is on Sunday 15th March. This will be supported by Local, National and European advertising to host the best show cars, clubs and associated trade companies for everyone to enjoy, with thousands of visitors from across UK, Europe and beyond – this is one not to miss!
Visit our UD Facebook page for all the latest news from UD.
Saturday pre-view
UD will be also open to the public from 5pm – 9pm on the Saturday evening as well as Sunday from 9am – 4.30pm.
This will bring a great twist to the event with special attractions – further details will be announced shortly on the web site – www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk
Don’t forget to visit our shop on site for those UD collectables.
Show & Shine
Ultimate Dubs 2015 will bring together over 250 of the Best Water-cooled VW, Audi, Seat & Skoda show cars from across the U.K and Europe, at the Telford International Centre, on Sunday 15th March. Whether your’e into Stock, Old Skool, Nu Wave, Custom, Tuned Cars - there is sure to be something to suit your taste at UD15.
Sunday Outdoor Club Displays
See the best VAG clubs at UD displayed around the perimeter of the Telford International Centre unit.
This is a great chance to see and talk to the guys who are part of the countries quality car clubs and check-out the club cars.
At UD15 we will have a variety of Concour's quality stock vehicles. Cars on display will be from the early 70's up to the present day.
Want to show your car at Ultimate Dubs 2015?
Do you have a vehicle that you think would be worthy of competing against the best in Europe or fit any of the displays above, then please go to our web site www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk and fill-in the form on the show and shine section so we can get a feel for your vehicle.
All entrants will receive one Free Admission for themselves, and may drive home with one of our Ultimate Trophies. Over 50 Trophies to be awarded.
All booking forms / ticket sales /traders etc. are available – www.ultimate-dubs.co.uk
Ultimate Stance held on in November was greeted very well with not just the German cars but a great variety of top quality vehicles of various makes, and promises to become as popular as U/d.