I don't hear anything, except a hi-pitched electronic "whine"...doesn't sound turbo/mechanical related, although you didn't rev the engine...
I'm at 23k miles. At 9k miles, my turbo started whistling/whining on the return trip to DC from Brandenton, FL. We were stuck in I95 traffic, and while creeping forward, on/off throttle, we all thought we heard emergency equipment approaching...a very faint whine/whistle unrelated to our car's momentum. I ultimately isolated it as coming from the turbo.
14k miles later, no change...not louder/softer...still there. No change whatsoever in engine temp, operation, MPG (although it DOES appear louder right after I read about "turbo failures"
So...what does all this mean? I have no clue. My turbo whines/whistles the way a "normal" turbo should!!!