I do usually remote start my car before leaving. However, this is not always possible when temperatures go bellow -22C.If that does turn out to be the case, then the solution would be to let it warm up, which you should probably be doing anyway if it's necessary to do a haul-ass merge on a cold engine.
Given the choice, I'd take a little lag over a blown turbo any day.
My worry is unpredictable lag. I don't want the computer deciding in the middle of a ride that it is time to change the response time. It is like driving some of the newer high MPG Mazda automatics that up-shift in the middle of a merge. Damn dangerous.
I do realize that a blown turbo is just as dangerous.
The sane solution would be to tune down the EPA mandated hardware until up to temp. We will need to wait and see.
Fortunately, it looks like I'll be spending most of this winter in a warmer climate.