Father had a 2500 JD stationary engine on his trailer that likely weighed 400 lbs or so from IA to MN. Car took it just fine and it was an 09 sportwagon with an auto even. I don't know how others drive but every my father, brother and myself have CDL's and have driven a lot with trailers. You can go around flooring it all over the place and expect to stop in a second. Also all being motorcycle drivers we also us that much more caution (crashing on a bike is deadly-think ahead). I have towed 4-wheelers, snowmobiles, bikes, L&G tractors all over (uship.com helped me visit family) and no issues. And had a car top carrier on. I have to say after the first turbo I would have installed a boost/egt gauge. I also have a scan gauge. All of that is cheaper then one turbo. I see that you are tuned as well which is all the more reason for gauges. I am not saying overload the crap out of these cars but if you are smart you can tow with them or any other vehicle. And I won't dish out the money for a truck either as I have no space for one, the insurance to cover it, the license for it, maintenance (batteries, oils, filter, tires) and the MPG to tow what I need towwed. I will rent (and have-Uhaul) if needed).