Looking to get some advice from the TDI guru's. Little bit of back story, I purchased my first VW/TDI beggining of April as a highway commuter. 2006 Golf MK4 PD-Bew. It needed a few things, one being glow plugs as there was an engine code for them. Changing out the glow plugs I found cyl#3 plug tip missing. I assumed it had broken off before owning as it didnt look fresh and engine ran great! I decided to run it and take my chances, 4 new CZ104 plugs, After about 50km of driving I was on route for an alignment and the Tbelt popped on the highway, I had Inspected the belt when doing maintenance as the previous owner didnt have a direct answer when it was done. Looked old but not ready to snap. Fast forward a weekend, I have the head and all timing components off.
What Im wanting to know is where I am at with it.
Is the head salvageable?
Is the bottom end worth looking into?
What all am I going to need to get this car back up and running?
I have posted picture links bellow of head, piston condition.
Cylinder #3:
Cylinder #1
Cylinder #2:
Cylinder #4:
The marks where the valves had hit the piston are barely catching by a nail and seem to be mostly carbon build up. My main concern is the damage the glow plug tip did to the piston & head. Best guess is the tip broke off the glow plug, worked its way into the exhaust valve causing strain in the valve train snapping the belt as all the timing pulleys and w/p were all good.
Reading through posts Frank06 and Oilhammer are the go to guys if they are still chiming in on posts. Thanks in advance, can post more pictures on request
What Im wanting to know is where I am at with it.
Is the head salvageable?
Is the bottom end worth looking into?
What all am I going to need to get this car back up and running?
I have posted picture links bellow of head, piston condition.
Cylinder #3:
Cylinder #1
Cylinder #2:
Cylinder #4:
The marks where the valves had hit the piston are barely catching by a nail and seem to be mostly carbon build up. My main concern is the damage the glow plug tip did to the piston & head. Best guess is the tip broke off the glow plug, worked its way into the exhaust valve causing strain in the valve train snapping the belt as all the timing pulleys and w/p were all good.
Reading through posts Frank06 and Oilhammer are the go to guys if they are still chiming in on posts. Thanks in advance, can post more pictures on request