doc uploaded on 10/24.
docs "accepted" green checkmarks on 11/8.
no offer letter yet.
called several times to talk to plaintiff's counsel and also to VWclaims.
got the "we will sent your offer letter out in 3-4 days" on 12/14 (8 days ago).
it's a loan.
I've stopped driving it because of the snow, and not wanting to kill my chances of collecting all I am entitled to.
no I am not buying another VW.
SCABS ~~~ vw is killing future sales with all these delays etc.What do you mean by "breading a scab"?? That sounds...really nasty.
Maybe I don't wanna know.
As the days / weeks / months tick by, my likelihood of buying another VW is decreasing.
Too bad. I really liked my car and liked that Autobahn.
Oh well. Can't have it all.
Still stuck on step 15. No reply from Class Counsel. Just sent my second e-mail to them.
So the green check marks people speak of move you to another step or is that just progress within step 15.If ANYONE is still on Step 15 (like me since Oct 27), you are "under review"). Not "APPROVED" until you get an email saying so with an offer.
Same here and I keep getting the same scripted responses. Every call and email to counsel is the same BS. Counsel seems to not want to dig deeper into my case and just say they are backlogged. Ok, I get it, but some sort of sorry for the delay we are working on it communication would be appreciated.I have had green checkmarks since Nov 8th or so. When I called the Claims portal in Dec the nice lady said I was approved, I asked if I had been sent an offer letter yet and she said no, but it would be coming in 3-4 days. apparently they will say anything. calling does no good. I still call this being stuck at step #15 because that is the highest number I have seen.
The PSC attorney I'm working with said VW counsel cut her off from inheriting about specific claims. So now not only is VW refusing to communicate with customers their lawyers won't even communicate with our lawyers.Counsel seems to not want to dig deeper into my case and just say they are backlogged.
Likewise.Still waiting with Green Check Marks since Nov 3rd.
I think that's the part that is most annoying. My husband's car is bought back. Coworker's car, also walked her through the process, has buyback scheduled. Family friend, car bought back.Congrats to those that are on the final steps. This entire process seems wonky as I've helped a family member and a friend file claims (after mine) and they have both received an offer letter and scheduled a buyback appointment. Details of the claims are very similar, no vehicle loan, and same preferred dealership. Funny how this works.
They might be "getting them out" by years end but they are not giving the option of scheduling the buyback to everyone. I uploaded my offer on 12/14 and nothing since. Many others have come and gone since. This whole process is inconsistent. My check marks were from 10/28.I've been stuck at green check marks since 10/24. I spoke with counsel two weeks ago and I was told VWGoA was trying to get offers out to everyone approved in October by year end. I'm not holding my breath that I get something this week.
They (VW, that is) have been claiming that they're trying all along, and we've seen how much that's worth.I've been stuck at green check marks since 10/24. I spoke with counsel two weeks ago and I was told VWGoA was trying to get offers out to everyone approved in October by year end. I'm not holding my breath that I get something this week.
Oooh, where can I get a cup of coffee for a quarter?They (VW, that is) has been claiming that they're trying all along, and we've seen how much that's worth.
(Hint: them "trying" and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee)
I've been stuck at green check marks since 10/24. I spoke with counsel two weeks ago and I was told VWGoA was trying to get offers out to everyone approved in October by year end. I'm not holding my breath that I get something this week.
hahahahjust talked to a claims person on the hotline and was told that because of the number of people that "volkswagen has changed their 10 day policy" i told him it was a court ordered deadline and that vw cant just change it. He said that they are because "there are millions of people processing claims right now" i scratched my head a little and asked how they can have millions of claims when only 400 and some odd thousand cars were sold? He said "don't you think that number has risen since the claims process has started?" i scratched my head again and told him "no, you cant go back in time and sell more cars". We agreed to disagree, thanks for my laugh for the day vw.