I didn't do my rear shocks, I had someone else do them for me
It's not that bad. I did it over the course of three days since I was cleaning and detailing each piece and the fact that it was over 100˚F outside during the day. I'm a guy who likes wearing shorts when it's in the 50's
I suggest the complete removal of the dashboard for sanity's sake, especially if you are doing this with a one man crew. In order to get the dash off, you need to remove the steering wheel and the stalks for the wipers and turn signals. It's fairly straight forward.
I don't know about other instructions already posted, but there is a frame that hold the flap on over the passenger airbag. You do not need to remove this frame. It'll give you problems if you try and put it back on (the top three screws that go into a mount I talked about earlier) with the dashboard inside the car. All you need to do is remove the three screws that hold the cover flap down, swing it up, and disconnect the wires from the holding loops in the back of the dash itself.
If you have been inside your dash before, you'll find this whole process fairly easy, but lengthy due to how long it takes to unscrew and screw back every screw
. If you have a good spacial memory, it should take you about 9 hours or less. I took longer because I had the time, and I wanted to fiddle with how the wires were arranged for future access.