Veteran Member
Well guys after 6 years of owning a tdi, I am finally wihtout a diesel. I am going to miss all the informative reading, but unfortunately it has nothing to do with my new car. I ended up getting a 1991 Golf GTD from germany. It is a 5 speed, syncro, G60, with only 40Kmiles on it . Its crazy, it has light levelers, heated seats, ABS, etc, THE WORKS. I plan to turbo charge it and make a 250+whp syncro car in the near future. I loved the site and all the info. I'll def be back around just to read up and jump into thread like the "Cock of the Walk" thread . I find it hard to follow tdiclub, and read up on my turbo parts and the new car at the same time. I guess its time to learn another car inside and out. We need a section for tdi converts and their other projects!