Me? Heck, no.
I pay retail for someone else to collect (and get paid for taking away) business' WVO, then filter, transesterify, test and certify, pay wages, taxes, and then to retail the biodiesel product.
There's no way I can, nor do I have a desire to, do all that.
That they can do it, and make a profit, however meager, at $2.10 per gallon shows the benefit of mid-scale production.
There's a bell shaped curve of profitability and annual volume.
Small scale, like I'd do to make my own fuel would be a hobby, a money losing hobby.
Large scale would be less sound as the transport cost (dollars, time and emissions) to get more fuel volume would necessitate a much larger area of collection and distribution.
As I mentioned in post 32 of this thread, there is a 'sweet spot' where the output as gallons per year versus the input in energy (time, money, emissions) is sustainable on the long term. I have no desire to get to that size. My time money and energies are better spent making the products and services that I do better than others. Theirs are spent on what they do well.